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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Have you ever thought about drifting yourself into the world chasing for new culture lessons? Have you ever thought about totally integrate someone else’s life, living in the same place under the same conditions, even if they are good or bad?


Adriana Carranca, did! Journalist, writer and, currently, columnist of “O Estado de São Paulo” and “O Globo”, she was the invitee of Cásper Líbero University’s Journalism Magna Class, last Thrusday, February 25th.

Carranca did not save details from the stories and situations that she faced while chasing the best reports. Her articles approached, as a background, themes linked to conflicts, religious tolerance, Human Rights, with a special look for women’s conditions.

Meanwhile this extensive international career, deep reports about Afghanistan and Pakistan War are highlighted. These places were stage for the American operation that ended with Osama Bin Laden’s, Al Qaeda’s leader, death. Also, that is fact that she witnessed.

Adriana Carranca, likewise, dove into the universe of Muslim countries like Iran, Egypt and Indonesia, throughout waves of protest which marked Arab Spring. Nevertheless, she had kept up with some of the bloodiest conflicts of Africa, like the ones from Democratic Republic of Congo, Southern Sudan and Uganda. Lastly, she had been to Syria and Iraq for the coverage of war and refugee’s crisis.

Taken her experience through all of these situations in the Middle East, Carranca has published three report-books: “O Irã sob o Chador” (free translation: Iran under the Chador), finalist of Jabuti Prize – the most important Brazilian literary prize –, “O Afeganistão depois do Talibã” (free translation: Afeganistan after Taliban) and “Malala, a menina que queria ir para a escola” (free translation: Malala, the girl who wanted to go to school). However, she did not restrict her work only to literature thematic. She has developed photograph works and co-directed a documentary: “E se for menina?” (free translation: If is it a girl?) that pictured adolescents involved with the crime scenery at São Paulo.

Adriana claims that the book would be, initially, for adults, altough she chose the children format. The story is abou a child and she can inspire other children to fight for education. Side by side, Adriana Carranca and Malala Yousafzai.


These accomplishments are due to years of studies and research within institutions like Oxford University, John Hopkins and London Scholl of Economics, beyond woks as New York UN correspondent. As a recognition to Carranca’s increadible job, she has built up several prizes through her career, and between them “Esso”, “Líbero Badaró” and seven editions of “Prêmio Estado de Jornalismo”.

Adriana Carranca receiving Líbero Badaró prize 

“To know world stories expands our horizons and make us question our own reality”

Professor Helena Jacob and Adriana Carranca during Magna Class

The lecture dynamics, composed by auditorium questions and invitee answers, fed productive debates about the Journalism reality. During the presentation, Adriana Carranca exhibited photographs of her path abroad, her innumerous characters whom were leading figures in her stories and mirror to articles published in several means of communication, like the American magazine Foreign Policy and the French edition of the Slate.

Questioned about how did she maintained herself safe within the places where she passed, Carranca bounded the importance of counting on someone reliability – even if they are a translator or a work-colleague in this brave new place – to keep faithful to that region’s culture essence. Safety, however, is not only about the journalist, but about all of the people that go along with her. Due to that, is fundamental to not try to “play the hero” – according to her – and be aware of the responsibility her job demands.

Adriana Carranca proves traditional clothing

Abstain from some personal values, be open to learn and respect what is observed and know to recognize what is different are essential qualities to be conquered by a journalist. Although, these characteristics can be maintained solid in front of thousands of statements over the “Journalism crisis”?

According to Carranca, this occupation is made by choices and she does not believe that the Journalism, intrinsically, is facing a crisis, but the traditional media owners.

For the next generations, the message is clear: the digital world expands possibilities for developing knowledge and formats, personal growth; as well as learning and work opportunities for the ones that love telling stories. Eventually, this work is needed and has already outdated, long ago, printed media boundaries. She ended, “Journalism is something that in learn with practice, but I shared with them my experience. I love to see that there is interest about this theme, further in the digital era. The big report is not dying.”

Idealization, writing and Portuguese version: Isabella Câmara, Giovanna Galvani e Letícia Santini

Edition and translation: Bárbara Muniz

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Bárbara Muniz

Casper Libero

Bárbara Muniz is a Journalism student and Theather lover. Half journalist, half artist, totally feminist. Hufflepuff placed, sagittarian and vegetarian. Cásper Líbero University's Charpter co-correspondent and editor-in-chief. Intern in a Brazilian broadcast channel called BandNews TV, where she works among production for newscast and social media.
Giovanna Galvani

Casper Libero

One of Casper Libero's University editors, with an acid sense of humour and lots of love for cats. Journalism student & enthusiast, though it may be a dreamer's stuff nowadays. Contact me: Twitter • Instagram • LinkedIn
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Isabella Câmara

Casper Libero

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Leticia Santini

Casper Libero