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Time to restart: 4 ways to enjoy Valentine’s Day by yourself after a breakup

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

“Maybe the idea that the end of love is a negative thing is just a matter of perspective. Because, for me, the idea that a love is over means that, at a given moment, a love existed.”

Colleen Hoover

We all have been through a heartbreak. If you still haven’t, you probably will. As people usually say: “it’s a canonical event”. But, there’s no reason for despair: you will be alright, I promise you.

We know that it is not an easy moment. However, you will learn many things about yourself during this curing process. To help you start taking care of your mental health during this Brazilian Valentine’s Day, HC separated 4 “date” ideas for you to do on your own. 


The temperature on this Valentine’s Day is nice for a fondue – during the night, we can expect something around 69,8 F (21o C). If you prefer to have your fondue at home, you can deliver it (or prepare it) and watch a comfort TV show while eating. Or a movie, avoiding romcoms if you feel sensible. Comedies can be good. 

If you prefer to get out, there are many fondue restaurants in São Paulo. A very good example is “Chalézinho”, located in Morumbi and Itaim Bibi, you can choose what is closer to you.


Do you remember “your list” on Netflix? What do you think about checking which movies and series are there and watching them? Or buying a ticket for the movie you’ve been waiting for ages and now it’s finally in exhibition in the cinemas? There are many options, don’t waste your time! 

So, choose the best option, put on that incredibly comfortable look and let’s watch it!


Children’s programs are the best, and when HC thinks about it, there’s one idea that comes into our minds and sounds perfect: painting! 

It can seem weird at first, but it’s incredible. Think about it: pick the paintbrush, your favorite ink colors, a clean canvas and do what you want! Paint your dogs, your house, a beautiful landscape, your hands or nothing; just an abstract thing. 

Some people also paint goblets, decorating them. It can also be nice. 

Just let your imagination take over and be happy!


Doing a picnic is not the only possible thing to do in a park. Taking a walk, reading a book or a simple seat to admire the trees can also be a good idea. Sometimes having the sun touching your skin while you relax is all you need.

These are just some program ideas, you can do what you want. The HC team just wants you to feel well and beloved, because you are. Ends are beginnings and being alone is not the worst thing ever – by the way, it can be an amazing moment for self-knowledge. So feel hugged and be sure that everything is gonna be okay!


The article above was edited by Clarissa Palácio.

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Manuela Arruda

Casper Libero '27

A Journalism student, who has a dream of being a writer.