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Key Things Warner Should Consider Before Producing the Harry Potter Reboot

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

This article may contain spoilers for the “Harry Potter” saga.

Following the fame of the films based on the renowned book series by J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros. decided to transform the magical universe of Harry Potter into a series scheduled to be released in 2026 on Max, where each season will follow the story of one of the books.

With this announcement, fans of the saga —the entitled “Potterheads”— were thrilled, as it has always been a dream of the community to see a more comprehensive Harry Potter cinematic production compared to the iconic films released. The closest the audience had come to experiencing a detailed product of the wizarding world was with the game Hogwarts Legacy.

The series Percy Jackson and the Olympians, released by Disney+, has shown that it is possible to adapt a book saga into episodes in a way that is very faithful canonically to the literary work and different from the movies, aiming to please the audience.

However, it’s important that Warner pays attention to some key elements so that the series does not turn out to be just an almost identical reboot of the movies and instead presents the audience with more details about the rich Harry Potter universe without wasting the potential of the original material.

Cast age and ambiance

Even though these two factors were taken into consideration in the films, the search for a young cast and fidelity to the details of the setting are important for the identity of the work.

Precisely because there is already an existing cinematic universe, Warner needs to stand out with some differentiating elements, bringing new faces never seen in the world of cinema and, in some way, renewing the aesthetic of Hogwarts without removing the nostalgic feeling the films bring to viewers. In this regard, I believe the duo MinaLima (Miraphora Mina and Eduardo Lima) – responsible for the creative design of the films – will be important in this journey.

Selection of secondary characters and plots

One factor that bothered many fans was the omission of certain characters who were important to the development of the plot. In the books, characters like Peeves, Dobby, and Sirius are important at various points.

In the case of the last one mentioned, from the moment they are introduced into the narrative, they are crucial to events that Harry needs to go through. Because of their frequent appearances and the development of Dobby and Sirius with Harry, reading their deaths is more impactful when compared to the films.

Furthermore, the disposal of certain plots that help build character depth is important to consider, as they also contribute to creating a bond with the viewer. Plots such as Hermione’s initiative to create S.P.E.W. (Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare), the various missions of the Order of the Phoenix, the story and visit to Neville’s parents at St. Mungo’s Hospital, and Tonks’ pregnancy are narratives that enrich the characters.

Characters remake

When comparing the personality and appearance of certain characters in books and movies, the stark difference between them becomes evident.

Therefore, Warner Bros. needs to be careful when reimagining the characters, to avoid repeating past mistakes. An example of this is Ginny, whom many fans dislike as the youngest Weasley on the big screen because she is reduced to being “just” Harry’s love interest, whom he marries in the end.

In the books, you can see Ginny’s development from a shy girl with a crush on the Boy Who Lived into a strong, confident, and popular young woman who even surpasses Harry at certain points in the story.

Regarding physical appearance, the character most criticized for the discrepancy between the books and movies is Hermione. Looking at fanarts of the character on social media, it becomes evident how fans would like to see the iconic Gryffindor witch portrayed in the series.

Specific details

This point relates to the idea of plot selection mentioned above but highlights small details that appear in the films which help to enrich the story as a whole.

In a series of videos on his channel “Caldeirão Furado”, the biggest Brazilian YouTuber that produces Harry Potter content, Caco Cardassi, discusses specific details from each book that should appear in the TV show.

Final Considerations

After highlighting these key points, now all that’s left for us is to wait and follow the news and leaks. As a fan of the saga since childhood, I hope that the Harry Potter universe renews itself as much as possible without losing the magic that I fell in love with.

I wasn’t able to catch the movies during their initial release, but with Warner’s reboot hitting the screens, I’m eager to experience a taste of what earlier generations felt when they watched “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” in theaters!


The article above was edited by Rafaella Alcici.

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Eduarda Lessa

Casper Libero '27

Hey there, my name is Eduarda (but you can call me Duda), I'm 19 years old and I'm a journalism student at Cásper Libero. My manly interests are cinema, video games, music, books, art and other things related to pop culture.