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Photo courtesy of Food Network Kitchen

Learn The Know-How Of An Entrepreneur Woman In Quarantine

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Due to the outbreak of the coronavirus a lot of people lost their sources of income and had to reinvent their lives. There was a rise of new small businesses with entrepreneur women, who sell their products on Instagram to make some money in such hard times.

Flávia Risete is a teacher at a public school in the small town of Rio Formoso, in Pernambuco (Brazil). When everyone got sent home, she decided to find something to occupy her mind and even make some extra money. 

When an add for free culinary classes popped up on the internet, she decided to take on the adventure and see what would come out of it. With a lot of time on her hands, she finally started a hobby that she liked and in 15 days Flávia completed all the courses.


a hand mixer in brownie batter


By Easter, Risete decided to make cakes and sell them on Instagram. Unfortunately just making an account and asking for help from friends wasn’t enough to sell the sweets and she even thought of giving up.

Things turned around when her daughter posted a tweet about her mother’s business and it went so viral that the sales took off. Now she is selling close to 20 cakes every weekend and with the extra money, the entrepreneur woman is investing in materials, ingredients and a delivery boy to make her cake shop grows even more.

Making a new hobby really paid off and the teacher intends to keep her business going even after de pandemic is over. Flávia is just one example of many other women who became amazing entrepreneurs in the middle of such hard time.


For more information about Flávia’s business, check out her account on Instagram:

Caseiros Gourmet


The article above was edited by Yasmin Altaras

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happy, outgoing and a journalism student! for any contact: juliana.r.florido@gmail.com
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.