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Let’s Play: 10 Games That Were Part of The Childhood of The 90’s/00

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

I am absolutely sure that if you were a child in the 90s and 2000s, you spent lots of afternoons playing games in the company of your friends, siblings, cousins and so on! From the board to the video games, they were there to make us laugh, create crazy strategies and maybe, fight a little or create the feeling of revenge. Thinking about it, we put together a list of the 10 games that were probably part of your childhood:

1. Banco Imobiliário

Launched in Brazil around the 40’s, this classic certainly made you feel on your skin what it was like to be rich or poor. As the years went by, the game won other versions like Super, in which money was replaced by credit and debit cards, but in our memory, the money is still alive: P


2. ​Crash Bandicoot

Launched in 1996, Crash was incredible, but I’m sure you were very nervous trying to go through phases that seemed simply impossible. On june 30th of this year, a remastering of the trilogy was released: Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy and can already be acquired if you have a PlayStation 4. Buying the game will make the feeling of nostalgia worthwhile.


3. War

Intelligence. Strategy. Territories … A thousand hours sitting at the table or on the floor, but in the end, only you knew the feeling of being the king / queen of the world when conquering a whole continent. There is a digital version for PC and mobile.


4. Sonic: The Hedgehog

Launched in 1991, you’ve certainly had fun for hours with the world’s fastest hedgehog, or with Miles or Amy. Recently a new game of hedgehog was released, on august 15th  fans could reduce the miss for Sonic Mania, which is available for PlayStation 4, PC, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.


5. Detetive

“Miss Scarlett committed the murder in the office with a revolver!” Like War, to play detective it was necessary to separate time from her afternoon. Winning was a delight and made up for all the other times you took a hunch too early and was eliminated.


6. Guitar Hero

Released in 2005, Guitar Hero was the favorite game of several people for a long time. You could play with control, but that guitar was the consuming dream of many people. From Ramones, Joan Jett, Van Halen and Metallica to The Strokes, Pearl Jam and The Killers, GH pleased any Rock God.


7. Imagem & Ação

Playing Image & Action was always a roller coaster of feelings, one hour you were super happy because someone drew well, another wanted to cry at the sight of little stick people and lines that made no sense. But in the end, everyone laughed at what went on the paper, or the crazy guesses of each player.


8. The Sims

Can you imagine that the first The Sims was released in 2000? Do not even think about lying, I know you spent hours setting up your character, days decorating the perfect house, and then a thousand years trying to find a crush. With the arrival of crushes in real life, you may even have dropped The Sims back, but take a look at Girls in the House, a series made with the game.


9. Jogo da Vida

As long as War, but much lighter. If you already boasted in Real Estate, when you were rich in the Game of Life, you just had to go out and distribute autograph. The question here is: did you go the easy way or the hard way?

10. Ragnarok Online

This is for the nerds who were just coming home from school and running to the computer instead of doing their homework. Released in Brazil in 2004, in the Korean MMORPG you could really have the life of your dreams: being an archer, a witch, a magician, had several skills that you had to use to fight against monsters, join various guilds, and so on.

Bia, as she prefers to be called, is a Ravenclaw alumnus at Hogwarts Scho... ops. Is a senior journalism student at Casper Libero University. She loves to read, listen to good pop punk music, have fun in summer, eat candies, watch series, play League of Legends and some other games, and follow the eletronic sports (eSports) scenario.
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.