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Let’s Talk PR: What do people in Public Relations actually do?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Everyday, we wake up and live our lives, whilst consuming products and mass media. Starbucks, Netflix, Amazon, Sephora…the list goes on indefinitely. Whether consciously or not, we all have perceptions regarding brands. As Ramiro Prudêncio, specialist in Communications and Management of Reputation, once simply defined, Public Relations is responsible for what the public talks about an organization without receiving payment. But, what are people in PR actually responsible for? 

A Multifaceted Job

According to Ethel Shiraishi Pereira, professor of Public Relations at Cásper Libero, it is hard to define a precise and universal occupation for those who work within Public Relations. “There are many possibilities of employment. It can be in the academy, as a professor. It can be in a private company, in government institutions or even as part of a nongovernmental organization. […] So, it is a multifaceted job.” She also adds that it is a very dynamic occupation, for the reason that “there is no previously established routine, because we always rely on external demands that come from the client or the context”. 

However, to successfully execute any of the various tasks related to managing institutional image, it is essential to have strategic vision of Business and mastery of Communication techniques. Considering that our current reality is intermediated by technology, it is also important to keep up with digital innovations so that new circumstances can be taken into account as quickly and effectively. 

Commitment & the importance of Nonviolent Communication

On the other hand, Pereira highlights a commitment that needs to be accomplished in order to be in touch with the public. “The more digitalized the process is, the more humanized the contact has to be.” To her, the secret is in applying Nonviolent Communication, a model developed by psychologist Marshall Rosenberg, which relates to a key part of PR. “We cannot abandon a more human, diverse communication. One that is more inclusive and focused on social matters. These are already being discussed in our society, but need to be progressively brought to organizational structures”, she states. 

To illustrate an empathic approach to communicating, the professor remembers “Sendo Visível”, a campaign created in São Paulo around five years ago. As a strategy to inform unhoused individuals about pet-friendly shelter centers, the city government spread beautiful pieces of graffiti on various neighborhoods that pointed out to the closest shelter unit. The images were usually placed underneath bridges so that people would be able to see it when looking up. 

Since this initiative solved the challenge of reaching its target audience, Pereira evaluates that it is representative of what those in Public Relations must take into consideration in its projects. After all, “understanding the profile of the audience, putting yourself in their place and developing a creative way to transmit a message is pure PR work”.

The article above was edited by Isabella Gemignani. Like this type of content? Check Her Campus Cásper Líbero for more!

Giulia El Houssami

Casper Libero '26

hi! i’m a future journalist who loves to stay up until the sun rises. usually, i’m learning new interesting things, reading or writing.