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Letterboxd: How to use the social network for movie lovers

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Twitter are some of the most famous examples of social networks. However, there are even more specific media for each community: for regular music listeners, there is Last. fm; bookstans have Skoob; and, of course, movie buffs aren’t left out: that’s what Letterboxd is for. 

Created in 2011, but popularized during the pandemic, Letterboxd mainly serves the community that appreciates films of all genres.  

Creating lists, reading news from the film industry, reviewing productions, and adding other users are some of the application’s many functions.  It’s a must-have for movie fans.

But, after all, how do you use it?

Your profile 

After creating your account, it is important to improve your profile. Let’s go. 

 In the “Profile” tab, the application shows an overview of your profile (for you and everyone who searches for it).


You are demonstrated as “journalism & culture”. Below your profile photo, describe more about yourself. What’s your favorite director? What genre are you most interested in? Your age, other networks, curiosities. Like any social media, use your imagination and be happy! 


In this tab, add your favorite films, the ones that you are proud to say that you watched and that you like! It’s great to draw the attention of people who might have similar tastes to yours. 

Recent Activity

In this part, your latest reviews and videos watched will be displayed – whether you liked them or not. 


The application presents a timeline of your activity separated by date and month: your rating, whether you favorited it, and whether you wrote a review, respectively (as is the case with “Spider-Man”, where all three functions were performed). 


Here you can view your created lists. If not, the phrase “No Lists. Houston, we have a problem.” will appear.

“But what is a list?” There you can categorize a list of films according to your preference: female protagonists, coming-of-age, hero films, Brazilian productions, children’s…

Assign a name, a subtitle, and the movies, and your list is ready! Easy, don’t you think? 


In “Watchlist” the list of films that you have marked to watch someday will appear. Don’t worry, it’s okay to be eclectic!

The Explore 

By logging out of your profile, you can explore the activity of other users. The application prioritizes the most popular of the week in all tabs, so be bold, prefer to write in English, and stay up to date! Who knows, maybe one day your profile won’t appear? 


This page shows the most popular films of the week. 


Similar to the previous tool, here are the most popular reviews and ratings of the week. In other words, those that receive the most likes and comments from other users. 


The most popular lists of the week are in this part. You can save them to use someday. 


Categorized news, and about cinematography, are in this tab.

Reviews and assessments

Creating reviews and ratings is easy. 

1st STEP

Click on the + icon at the bottom of the application.

2nd STEP

Add the desired film, the date you watched it, your rating and your review. If it’s a movie that you really liked, there is also the option to favorite it! 

3rd STEP

Tip! You can even add tags to your review and select whether or not this is your first time watching. Using the “Darth Vader” icon, you can classify your review as dangerous (if it contains spoilers), and choose who can answer it. 


Searching for a film in the magnifying glass, icon at the bottom of the application, or even in “Explore”, it is possible to add a work as watched, favorite it, or put it on your “Watchlist” (to watch later), rate it, make a review, add to a list and share on your Instagram story (if you rated it, your stars will appear below the film poster!). 


By scrolling the screen up, you can find the film’s release year, director, running time, synopsis, and even watch the trailer.  

Viewing a graph with the most stars assigned, ratings from other users (1, 3, and 4), and lists created that contain production (2) is also possible. 

Finally, Letterboxd offers other relevant information, such as news about the feature film, the film’s casting (5), and where to watch it (6).


The article above was edited by Beatriz Gatz.

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Gabriely Rodrigues

Casper Libero '27

Aspirante à jornalista. Cultura & todo o resto.