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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

The sweet life. Aperol Spritz, an evening in Cinque Terre watching the sunset with your loved one… that seems nice – and it is! But here’s the truth: There’s no need to go to Italy to live this kind of life. As someone who lived in Italy last year, I learned a lot of things and tried to incorporate that into my daily life living in São Paulo, and I’m about to share it with you!

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Small pleasures in your daily routine, makes life lighter and happier!

Here’s something I learned from Italians and always tell my friends: eat an ice cream, spend time with your family, read a book, hug someone you love, and go for a walk. Small pleasures every day can make your life happier, especially living in a big city where everything happens so fast and it’s so crazy all the time. Life doesn’t have to be super strict, we already have crazy routines. One of the best pieces of advice I could give people is to stop living for the weekend and stop living only for Friday. Start doing something you enjoy every day, even when it seems like you don’t have time. Check your screen time, turn off your phone, and do it. No one is that busy.

Wine n’ Dine!

Every day we would have dinner at 7 pm. During summer, we would cook, it was still day and I remember the importance of being present during these times…Have a glass of wine during this meal, one night or the other. Eat slowly and enjoy each bite of your food. Don’t just drink the wine, but smell it, taste it.

This made me enjoy the moment and realize the true meaning of  “Dolce far niente”. The sweetness of doing nothing… and being present! Especially at the end of the day.

Summer ( might ) be the best and happiest season!

“We easily love summer… maybe because we love our summer selves!” The days are long and the nights are short. We don’t think of summer as a stressful time. Summer is a great time to blow off steam. Enjoy your free time, spend time with friends, and enjoy fun social activities. I like to exercise by swimming or playing sports. When I’m feeling zen, I like to practice meditation and affirmations.

When it’s a beautiful day outside, go outside, have fun, go to a nearby beach, play tennis, go to the park, go for a walk, sit outside and enjoy your morning coffee. Do whatever you like and what your city has to offer. Get some fresh air and sunshine. Watch the sunset with a friend. Go for a walk and say hello to your neighbors. Nature and sunshine are essential for a healthy life!

That ‘s Amore! Everyone is Famiglia!

Human connection is the key to happiness. Share the joys of life with family and friends. It’s the healthiest way to live. According to an Italian man I’ve met, “Life’s about establishing your connection with yourself, others, God, and nature.” Meals are made for sharing. Bottles of wine are made for sharing. Sunsets are made for sharing.

Find your people, the ones who lift you, support you, and enjoy all the crazy things about you. I love my alone time, but I also enjoy sharing life with others. I like to be able to say, “Look at that landscape, isn’t it beautiful?” Or “Isn’t this wine delicious?” You don’t have to go through this life alone… and if that is your biggest fear, I’m here to tell you something: you’re not going to end up alone! There are plenty of people out there who would love to share moments with you and like to do the same things as you do.

Living la dolce vita is all about savoring life, being present, and grateful, taking pleasure in simple things, being mindful of each moment, and being classy while doing it.


The article above was edited by Giovanna Rodrigues.

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Love writing and searching about new things, especially how to improve self care, wellness and communicating with people!