Lost in Space (2018) is a reboot, by Netflix, of the homonymous series of the 60’s. The story goes 30 years into the future, when planet Earth becomes almost uninhabitable, so a group of American citizens with different skills go to space trying to reach Alpha Centauri and colonize it. At the center of the story are the Robinson’s: Maureen (Molly Parker), John (Toby Stevens) and their children – Will (Maxwell Jenkins), Penny (Mina Sundwall) and Judy (Taylor Russel), who are resourceful despite their young age.
Image source: IMDB
During the journey, the Robinsons and other families fall into an unknown planet and try to survive. Throughout the episodes, the flashbacks explain what happened on Earth and what happened to the Resolute, making you want to watch it more and more!
Also, there is a robot playing a major role in history: in the original version is a machine made for Robinsons, but in the series of Netflix is ​​an alien technology that fell on the same planet. Since being found and saved by Will, the robot, which had a nature of destruction, changes and protects it from everything. It is easy to feel empathic with the robot, it captivates the audience more than many human characters. In addition, the robot plays a key role at the end of the season, but we won’t give you a spoiler!
Image source: IMDB
Now talking about the differences between the original version and the version of Netflix: you can say that the latter is more mature. Also, there is much more feminine power in this new. Maureen is an incredible scientist who helped design Jupiters (individual spacecraft attached to the Resolute). Judy is a great doctor who must prove that she is capable all the time because of her young age. Penny is smart, independent and passionate about literature. Dr. Smith (Parker Posey), in the new version, is a woman: she’s the villain in the story and even though you probably hate her, she’s intelligent, strong, good at manipulating people, and she always gets what she wants.
Image source: IMDB
Finally, the series allows us to see that families are the same everywhere, it doesn’t matter if you´re at the USA or at an unknown planet: you´ll take all the conflicts and the issues with you. All of this is just a part of being human. So, if you enjoy sci-fi, adventures and a little drama, Lost in Space is a great option for you!