May is marked for being the month of Mother’s Day. Motherhood involves all beauty but also many bureaucratic issues – what security and benefits do women receive in this very important period?
Both during pregnancy and after the birth of the baby, it is fundamental that there is the necessary support for the woman. The assurance that her job will be guaranteed when she returns to her work routine is essential. However, it is not everywhere that this assumption becomes a reality.
Learn more about how each region deals with the conciliation between work and maternity.
On the American continent, Chile and Cuba are among the best countries for working mothers – both allow 156 days of maternity leave 100% paid.
The United States, on the other hand, has some of the worst legislation in this area. The country offers 84 days of leave and the remuneration is only for employees of companies with more than 50 workers.
In Brazil, women have some rights during the period of pregnancy. Maternity protection is guaranteed by the Brazilian constitution, with the aim of helping women during the period of pregnancy and after becoming mothers, due to the fact that they need to adjust their routine, reconciling it with the care of the baby.
Maternity leave is another of these rights, in which mothers are entitled to 120 days of leave of absence during this period. In addition, the woman receives the maternity salary, a benefit paid to social security beneficiaries, both for childbirth and adoption.
Another benefit is daycare and preschool assistance, in which free assistance to children and dependents up to the age of six is ​​a right provided for in the Constitution. When the company has no connection with any daycare center, the employee must receive the daycare allowance, in which the company transfers the value.
Support for breastfeeding is also necessary during this period, and companies with more than 30 employees over the age of 16 must provide a breastfeeding support room in their environment, suitable for the collection and storage of breast milk. In order to carry out breastfeeding, the woman is entitled to two special half-hour breaks during her working day. If a longer period is needed, you must have medical proof.
Pregnant women still cannot be dismissed for cause from confirmation of pregnancy to five months after delivery. In addition to being guaranteed her salary, she is allowed to be exempt from working hours to make at least six medical appointments.
For rural workers, a maternity salary of the minimum wage is guaranteed. As for domestic servants, the maternity salary will be paid by Social Security itself, with an amount corresponding to their last contribution salary.
When it comes to the African continent, there are harsh criticisms about the period of maternity leave. In countries like Angola and Ethiopia, maternity leave is 90 days, while in Guinea Bissau, Kenya, São Tomé, Sudan, and Mozambique, the period is only 60 days.
But there are countries where the period is shorter – Egypt offers 50 days of maternity leave, while Tunisia is only 30 days.
On the Asian continent, the longest maternity leave is in Vietnam, with 184 days of leave and 100% of the salary. Japan and China also guarantee leave, but for a period of 98 days, also with a full salary.
In Oceania, the highlight is Australia, one of the countries that offer the highest benefit, with 52 weeks of remuneration. Papua New Guinea guarantees 42 days.
The longest periods of parental leave are in Eastern Europe, with Croatia standing out, which has 410 days of maternity leave but can reach up to three years if the family has three or more children.
Montenegro, Bosnia, and Albania offer one year of maternity leave.
On the Western side, Norway offers 11 months, and the United Kingdom one year of paid leave.
Germany still stands out for the benefits it gives to families, fathers and mothers are entitled to paid leave of up to two years and mothers can ask for an extension of the leave until the child turns three years old.
In Europe, an example is France. The country guarantees maternity leave but with a difference depending on the number of children. For the first and second child, the period of maternity leave is 16 weeks, six weeks before the birth, and 10 weeks after. However, from the third child, twins, or complicated births, this period can increase.
Maternity insurance also covers 100% of exams that are mandatory during pregnancy, such as prenatal consultations. From the sixth month of pregnancy until the 12th day after delivery, medical expenses will be 100% reimbursed, even if they have no connection with the pregnancy.
The woman is also exempt from paying a fixed co-payment of one euro for the medical allowance, in paramedical acts, and in transport.
The article above was edited by Mariana do PatrocĂnio.Â
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