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Millie Bobby Brown’s latest statement: should artists consume art in order to be respected?

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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

In an interview with the British newspaper The Sun, the actress Millie Bobby Brown – famous for her roles in Stranger Things, Enola Holmes, and Maiden, a film recently released on Netflix – revealed that she doesn’t like watching films, not even her own.

According to Millie, it’s very tiring to sit for hours watching movies that people recommend. For her, this is tiring for the brain, making it difficult to focus and understand what the film is showing.

This statement from the actress ended up shocking fans, generating criticism related to the call “Tik Tok Generation”, in which people are no longer used to watching long things, just short videos on the social network, causing a form of alienation among young people.

What is the TikTok Generation?

Generation Z came to be known by this name through the direct influence that the social network, TikTok, ended up causing to young people. The fifteen-second videos that are posted on the platform have caused attention problems, meaning that children and teenagers are unable to watch other forms of entertainment.

However, strangely, TikTok also became a research platform for this generation, leaving Google – a useful tool – aside, causing several problems of misinformation, leading to an increase in the rate of fake news sharing.

Furthermore, the social network was installed so quickly in society that, for Generation Z, living without TikTok would be “the end of the world”, proving that alienation is the result of a virtual addiction to quick and easily accessible content.

Is being an artist just about making art?

Debates about actors consuming their work or other forms of visual arts already existed, but they gained strength again on social media after the repercussion of the article The Sun.

When analyzing these debates, the opinion of the majority of the public on the topic becomes clear: artists live art. Therefore, consuming artistic products by artists is an obligation, otherwise it would be a form of disrespect for the artistic community and its consumers.

However, thinking this way discards the humanity of artists, making them a being without free will, who are nothing without their art.

In cases like the actor Austin Butler – known for role-playing the king of rock Elvis Presley – he revealed in an interview with Access Hollywood that he is extremely grateful for having made his dream come true, being able to be recognized by actors he admires so much makes him love his work more and more, his speech is recognized with merit and respect by the public.

Not watching movies: a common practice among Hollywood actors

In the Hollywood universe, it’s not just our dear “Eleven” who doesn’t like watching movies. This taste is very common among many famous actors and actresses.

Actors like Angelina Jolie, Johnny Depp, Meryl Streep, Tom Hanks, and Joaquin Phoenix don’t like seeing their films, claiming they don’t like seeing themselves on the big screen due to critical issues about their performances.

However, in these cases, the public seems to accept the denial of watching films. So why is Millie Bobby Brown’s case under fire?


The article above was translated by Julia Tortoriello and edited by Malu Alcântara
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Eduarda Lessa

Casper Libero '27

Hey there, my name is Eduarda (but you can call me Duda), I'm 20 years old and I'm a journalism student at Cásper Libero. My manly interests are cinema, video games, music, books, art and other things related to pop culture.