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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

This season is about breaking free. “No more judgment, no more rules. Will you dare?”, this is how Netflix describes Elite’s new season, released on April 8th on the streaming platform, in its YouTube official trailer.

The fourth season’s highlights were the new characters and conflicts, Guzmán and Ander’s farewell, and Armando’s murder.

If you hold your anxiety any longer and want to know more about this new season, hold tight, HC will show everything that will happen this season!

new characters!

In the fifth season two new characters will be joining the team: Iván, played by André Lamoglia, and Isadora, played by Valentina Zenere.

Ivan is the son of a Brazilian football player, and we can already tell by the trailer that there is a possible involvement between him and Patrick. On the other hand, Isadora already seems to have a certain conflict with Cayetana and Phillipe’s troubled relationship. During the promotion week of interviews, both of the actors revealed that the characters will burst onto the scene, bringing more conflicts and storylines.

Besides these two new characters disclosed in the teaser, Elite’s Instagram account revealed a third one, Bilal, described as a mysterious guy that will come out of the blue, and it is the only information we have about him.



Scenes of police cars, blood, handcuffs, and a corpse found on the river suggest that the consequences of Armando’s death and its investigation will finally unfold.

Patrick’s rebelliousness and disobedience to his father are intensified. Benjamín is way more rigid, both at home and at school, with new rules as the principal. The relationship between Mencía and Rebeka goes through tough times after the involvement with Armando and Beka exposed the case to Ari.

The article above was written by Victória Abreu, edited by Giullia Cartaxo and translated by Fernanda Andrade Liked this type of content? Check out Her Campus Casper Libero for more!

Victória Abreu

Casper Libero '25

Estudante de jornalismo na Cásper Líbero, pisciana curiosa, gosto de aprender e falar de tudo um pouco