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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

This week is happening the 7th edition of Lollapalooza in Brazil and we couldn’t be more excited! This year, the festival will last for three days (from April 5th until the 7th), with over 60 artists confirmed. Lolla is not only known for its eclectic lineup, but the festival is also the ultimate boho/urban fashion runaway.

That’s why we, from Her Campus, are here to help! Here are some trendy inspirations for you to look your best! First things first, it’s important to remember that Lollapalooza will be held in Interlagos. That means we’re talking about a million square meters (composed by hills and grass) and a weather that can be either really hot or really cold (specially at night), so you need to put comfort first!

1. Go urban!

f you like bright colors, outfits that are inspired by the 90’s aesthetic and don’t mind being the center of attention, you should stick with these. Oversized t-shirts are simply timeless and will give you that comfy-yet-stylish look! They can be tucked in, knotted… You can, basically, wear it in every way possible. Besides that, a windbreaker jacket is a clever choice, since it can get chilly at night!

2. Go boho!

Boho style is the most common music festival look (and for that thank you, California). After all, Lollapalooza Brazil is our version of Coachella! Grab your crochet bralette, throw on some shorts, put on a cute hat and you’re good to go. Simple but effective!

3. Go vintage!

Perhaps the trendiest of them all (or maybe I’m just biased). You’ve probably seen these kinds of looks all over the internet (Pinterest and Instagram can speak for themselves) and there’s probably a reason for them to be so famous. They are gorgeous and easy to copy because vintage fashion is back in stores. Late 80’s and 90’s inspired, these looks are here to kill.

4. Go printed!

We all know that printed blouses are the latest trend. They are easy to use and look good with everything (even with basic denim shorts). You can look effortlessly stylish. Tip: it can get a bit hot when you wear them, so why not put a bikini top underneath? If the heat gets to you, you can button them down but still rock the look!

5. Go basic! (but with a twist)

If none of the outfits above look like something straight out of your closet, it’s ok. What about putting on something simple and focus on some cool (yet simple) accessories? You can style a basic look with funky socks, glittery make up or a different hairstyle!

Regardless of what you wear, Lollapalooza is a unique chance for you to meet new people, listen to good music and have fun experiences. Make sure you enjoy every single minute of it!

Journalism major, playlist enthusiast and enemies-to-lovers #1 fan Campus Correspondent @ Her Campus at Cásper Líbero
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.