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Review: Here Are 5 Moments From House Of The Dragon Season 2

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

The first season of House of the Dragon, HBO’s prequel to Game of Thrones and the first spinoff of the show, was widely considered a success. The TV show tells about the civil war known as the Dance of the Dragons. The first season was in fact not what the fans expected that much, it had a lack of fight and action until King Viserys died, but in Season 2, House of the Dragon feels like it’s finally the show it was always meant to be. What all that runway was leading up to, it turns out, is a tragedy of epic proportions, bleaker than even the famously violent and cynical GOT could ever dream.

Here are the top 5 moments from HOTD season 2:

Rhaenys death

The queen who never was… The first remarkable moment of HOTD season 2, I think that we all can agree that it Rhaenys death. The fight with Vhagar and the courage to come back when all she had to do was running away, brought to us the first remarkable moment of this new season. Rhaenys fought until the end with Meleys, their loss was deeply felt in the show, but showed one of the first big sacrifices the Reds made in the Dance of Dragons

Rhaenyra and Alicent’s meet

The meeting between the queens meant some kind of desperation to not start a war. Rhaenyra realized the risks and danger she would put her subjects to if a war began, so she decided to meet Alicent for a talk, in hope she could possibly end the war. During their conversation it was revealed that the main reason for the war was actually misunderstood, while the Greens said Aegon should be King because it was his father’s, King Viserys, last wish, actually, it wasn’t. In his last moments, King Viserys told a tale to his wife about Aegon the Conqueror, which she mistook with Aegon their son. 

The three dragons 

This moment definitely gave chills to all House of the Dragon’s fans. The impossible became possible while trying to find other dragon riders, Rhaenyra put her Targaryen pride aside to teach Targaryen bastards how to ride a dragon. After being teased with a small dragon, Aemond prepared for a fight with Vhagar until he realized that his only big dragon couldn’t fight with three. 

Daenerys in Daemon’s vision

In Harrenhall, Daemon had hallucinations for days. That is due to the haunted place where he’s in. When he touched the three of Harrenhall, he had some hallucinations and vision through it. The Game of Thrones fans were surprised by the visions of Targaryen’s heirs, such as the vision that Daenerys Targaryen appears. In that, Daemon had a vision of their future and a glimpse of what would become Targaryen history.

Rhaenyra and Daemon in Harrenhall

“We fight for our queen”

Rhaenyra finally meets Daemon again, after many doubts that Daemon would be uniting his own army for the war, he promised all of his warriors to their true queen, his wife, Rhaenyra. 

In the war between two possible governants of the long-reigning Targaryen clan, there are no winners, least of all the realm each contender hopes to rule. The new episodes, four of which were criticized, contain much of what their predecessors lacked, from the development of key relationships to the dragon-on-dragon violence promised by the title. House of the Dragon has been elevated and sharpened, all due to a show now as dark figuratively as it already was.


The article above was edited by Brisa Kunichiro

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Sarah Pizarro

Casper Libero '27

18 years old, journalism student at Cásper Líbero.