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Review | “Zero Chill”: Hockey And Skating Together

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Zero Chill is the new Netflix’s original series, premiered on March 15th. The series shows a familiar drama around the twins, Kayla and Mac. They have a passion for ice sports, Kayla is a figure skater, and Mac is a hockey player. The family moved from Canada to England because Mac received a proposal to study in a prestigious hockey academy run by Anton Hammarstöm, a former NHL superstar and teammate of their father, Luke. Kayla gets frustrated about the change because her dreams come second, and she is unable to train with her best friend and partner skating, Jacob. The first season has 10 episodes of almost 35 minutes each.

The new series can be compared to the old Netflix production, Spinning Out which was canceled, unlike it, Zero Chill features a lighter storyline and a curiosity: the producers cast actors who skate, it brought more authenticity to the series. In addition, the series has a good structure, there are several storylines connected to the main, and always a third person involved in the conflicts. One point that can seem bad is the lack of depth given to the characters, that is, the majority is centered on a single speech, largely selfish and privileged, and all intentions are very evident. This evidence is another bad point, all events are very predictable since the characters don’t have so much subjectivity. This affects the course of actions because many conflicts seem to have an obvious solution to the viewer.

However, it’s shown quite clearly how family relationships are, especially between siblings, and the care that parents must take in placing too much value on just one of their children’s dreams. In addition to the projection that many have on their children to meet their expectations, this is explicit in both the MacBentley and Hammarstöm families.

The characteristics that most caught my attention in the series were both the filming, which I imagine is difficult on ice, and the cuts and framing are great, as well as the colors behind the characters that demonstrate the personality of each one and their respective changes throughout the episodes. For example, the blue associated with Kayla at the beginning, demonstrating a certain acceptance and passivity that in the course of the series changes to red with her frustration coming to the fore.  

Therefore, Zero Chill is a series worth seeing if you are not going to analyze both the logic of events and rather watch to relax. For those who love ice sports such as hockey and skating, there is a great possibility that you might enjoy this series. The second season is yet to be confirmed, but I already have expectations and hope that they can develop more character personalities.

If you were interested, be sure to watch “Zero Chill” on Netflix!


The article above was edited and translated by Giullia Cartaxo.

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Sarah Romero

Casper Libero '24

Estudante de Rádio, Tv e Internet na Faculdade Cásper Líbero e de Artes Cênicas na Escola de Artes Célia Helena. Apaixonada pela arte e tudo que a vida pode expressar!