As soon as October begins, we automatically get in the Halloween spirit. Even though this is not a celebration from our country, it became very common in Brazil thanks to the influence of American mainstream products spread by globalization, such as TV series, movies, cartoons, or even music. But, did you know that there is a Brazilian date celebrated on the same day as Halloween called “Dia do Saci Pererê”?
“Dia do Saci Pererê”
In 2013, the congressman Chico Alencar and the councilwoman Ângela Guadagnin elaborated a bill that created the Saci’s date. According to the law, the celebration offers an alternative to the Brazilian youth to commemorate their country’s own manifestations. In other words, it means the possibility to exalt the Brazilian folklore that belongs to the country’s history and combat the “American invasion”.
The Saci’s Tale
Between all the Brazilian folklore tales, such as “Mula sem Cabeça”, “Curupira” and “Boto Cor-de-Rosa”, the Saci Pererê character was the chosen one. This can be explained by its myth. According to it, Saci is a black boy who enjoys playing pranks on people. He wears a red hat, smokes a pipe and only has one leg. Being a tricky and mythical figure, it is possible to relate the tale with the Halloween celebration, as it has a resemblance with the sentence “Trick or Treat?”.
The tale appeared in the South of the country among the “guarani” indigenous people and was disseminated to neighboring countries, becoming also known in Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. Here in Brazil, it was popularized by Monteiro Lobato, an important writer for Brazilian literature, known for creating the famous “Sítio do pica-pau amarelo” story. Thanks to his children’s books, everyone can learn about the myth at such a young age.
The power of American mainstream products
Although Halloween originated as a Celtic tradition, the USA incorporated it into their culture, as they take it very seriously when it comes to decorating the inside and outside of the house, throwing themed parties, dressing up in costumes and knockin on neighbors doors asking for sweets. Because of that, the date became a lucrative celebration for the American economy, as not only native people consume their mainstream products.
Most of the TV series, movies, and cartoons we watched as kids or still follow are from the US and you certainly have already seen Halloween episodes. Furthermore, there are thematic productions that many people are fans of, such as Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas. The influence of American culture on others is powerful, as it creates mainstream products just to attract new consumers.
The article above was edited by Duda Kabzas
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