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Starting an internship in 2023? Here are some tips from a senior so you don’t struggle with it

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

With the beginning of the school year, the excitement of starting something new, meeting new people and, especially, being able to work with what you’ve chosen as an undergraduate gets heightened. So, for the freshmen who want to enter the job market and keep a balance in their studies, here are 6 tips to help you in this journey!

Invest in your resume

It’s a fact that, at first, putting together your resume can be a daunting task, because you don’t even know where to start. So invest in ready-made templates from Canva or even Word. They make it easier and help you get an idea of how to organize your experiences and your data on paper, until you feel confident to do it from scratch.

As for what to put on it, don’t be too eager to describe everything you have ever done, such as activities from when you were in kindergarten to present day. Filter out the ones that stand out the most and are related to your field of study, for example, participation in competitions, volunteer activities, and courses, which can be the simplest, as long as they add some knowledge. 

Throughout your degree, always try to do activities that will complement your resume and/or portfolio. That opportunity to monitor, assist in some video recording, write texts for a blog or magazine, create a podcast, among other several creative ways. Explore your skills and see what suits you best.  This way, you can invest in your resume and still earn additional hours towards the end of your course.

Prepare yourself beforehand

It is very important that, especially before an interview, you find out about the company you are applying to. What values the institution preaches; how it has consolidated itself in the work market; what they can offer you and vice-versa. In addition, try to analyze what can be improved in the company, give some recommendations. For example, if it is a magazine or TV station, suggest new guidelines that may attract more audience; if it is an agency, campaigns and videos that provide engagement. Therefore, you will already be prepared if they ask you to talk about the company.

Make a schedule! Get organized!

We know that the routine of those who study and work is hectic and can be stressful, so get organized, write down everything you set out to do that week, the dates of tests and assignments. This way your mind can better visualize what is still to be done and what is in progress, keeping you on track. Prioritize your studies and keep in mind that a routine always helps to create new habits.

Technology is your ally

Use it to your advantage. Technological tools can also be great allies when it comes to studying and working with balance.  Apps for scheduling, productivity and time management are the ones that stand out the most, contributing to the optimization of day-to-day activities.

Take care of your hard-earned money!

We know that the first payment comes with the euphoria of having the reward of your work in hands. But since it’s not all fun and games, it is important that you organize your finances, planning how much you can spend and how much you can save. This way, at the end of your internship, you will have a good amount of money saved and you can use it as you wish.

Treat yourself as well

As cliché as it may sound, when we enter the work market, we tend to worry about everything but ourselves. Sometimes we work a few extra hours, see the financial rewards, but ignore our health and leisure. Therefore, always set aside a few hours of your day or weekends to rest and take care of yourself. Do a Spa Day, watch the movies nominated for the Oscar, go out with friends. In short, look for your professional success but also prioritize your physical and mental health.


The article above was edited by Juliana Sanches.

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Ana Carolina Teixeira

Casper Libero '25

A young audiovisual enthusiast who writes about life, books, movies and much more in the spare time!