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‘Stream It Or Skip It?’: What To Expect About Karol Conká’s Documentary

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

The current Brazilian Society is usually represented through the reality show “Big Brother Brazil”, in its most terrible way, with the participants being anonymous or not. Every year, in the most monitored house in Brazil, there are daily situations that establish themselves in a certain way as “themes” of reality and these themes generally reflect on society as a whole. 

close-up photo of SPMTE color bars
Tim Mossholder/Unsplash

When The “Cancellation” Happened 

Joining “Big Brother” and being canceled on social media is one of the biggest fears of those who agree to embark on this journey. The cancel culture can end with lives and careers, because of it, a little mistake can make the cancellation happen. The internet nowadays does not let anything pass through, especially on Twitter, so when entering BBB, you need to be very careful with your positions and attitudes, which was not what Karol Conka did.

The rapper was one of the participants in the edition of 2021 of the program and had the highest rejection rate in the history of the Reality with 99,17%!  The elimination of the singer made the edition beat the audience record, due to her terrible attitudes with Lucas Penteado, Carla Diaz, Juliette and Arcrebiano and her awful actions that were one of the most talked-about topics in the whole country! So in the night, she left the house, the audience of the show was colossal as if it was a final evening.

Globo Is Trying To Clean Up Her Image?

After her defeat, Karol Conká went through a process in partnership with Globo to humanize her image in the media. The channel gave several spaces to the BBB’s formers, so she could use it to apologize for her attitudes. For example, right after she departs from the house, instead of already talking to Tiago Leifert, the participant had a 10 minutes break between her departure from the house and the talk with the host of the reality show, and nobody knows what happened in these ten minutes. However this does not happen very often, the network never put a time break between the departure of the participant and the talk with Tiago, so there are rumors that this interval was made on purpose to warn her about her rejection so she can have the chance to apologize on the same program.  

After all that, Karol Conká still had the show “Mais Voce”, where she participated like all the other BBB’s former, and she used the opportunity of the program to apologize again. On the other hand, the difference between Karol Conká and the others is that she was invited to participate in “Fantastico” and was also the first eliminated to go to “Faustão”, all this because Globo is in an attempt to clean up her image. 

“A Vida Depois do Tombo”

These efforts of redemption of Karol Conká since the first week of her elimination was speculated to be a documentary about the singer and her life after the reality show. Then in the second week of April was officially confirmed by the streaming, Globoplay, that the documentary is going to be called “A Vida Depois do Tombo”. It is possible to notice that the only reason behind all that is to clean up the singer image, and Globo wants that because the channel wants to show to other artists that they do not need to be afraid to participate in “Big Brother Brazil” because by doing that with Karol, giving her that this “support”.

Globo is showing to other artists that, just in case they enter in the reality show and something like this happens, they have the structure to give to them this “support” if necessary.

The main proposal of the documentary is to show the public the life of the rapper since her departure from BBB and portray the life of a canceled person across the whole country. Telling the path of this Brazilian singer who entered as one of the public favorites and came out almost without her career. 

What To Expect?

Another main point of this documentary series is to give her a space to apologize properly for her actions. So maybe the significant time of the documentary will be focused on her saying that she is not perfect, that she made a mistake, that if she could go back, she would, and all this is an attempt to raise the sensibility of the public and the media among her.

The name of the documentary already describes a lot of what they intend to bring to this series. With the name being one reference to Karol Conka’s biggest hit “Tombei” and with the fact that it is going to show about her life after she left the Reality and literally “fell” because she thought she was being seen outside as a “queen”, when obviously not. She found out the truth and observed that she had lost followers on all her platforms, two festivals canceled her performance and her program on GNT was canceled as well.

Besides that, her family and friends will be a part of the documentary and will be making speeches about the time the rapper was confined and will talk about the attacks they suffered on the internet. They suffered racism and even death threats, showing just how the culture of canceling people can affect the people around the person who is canceled, whether they are family, friends, etc.

Besides, in the television show, a healthy relationship was something that she did not have inside the most watched house in Brazil. Because of the whole situation in the documentary, Karol will possibly show herself having a healthy relationship with the people around her, showing her empathy with them, and being lovely. With the view to sensibilize numerous people, in this part of the documentary, they might focus on how all the hate that she received in social media affected her mental illness. In this part, they will embark on a journey to try to take out the Brazilians’ image of a “ monster” that everyone in our country has of her. They will try to recall us that she has feelings and sensibilize more and more people in her favor because there are already a group of people that are showing sympathy and compassion for her even without the documentary, and this group of people is begging for respect for her and her story as an artist. 

Doing storytelling and using the singer’s career during the series as a kind of flashback, emphasizing the greatest difficulties and prejudices that she has ever suffered in life, will attract people’s attention especially the ones that used to admire the rapper. Leaking out all these things can be a good strategy to justify some unjustifiable attitudes that the artists committed and serve to leave the audience captivated by Karol Conka’s trajectory.

The plot of the documentary series is usually with a sad tone, a heavier atmosphere. On account of that, “A Vida Depois do Tombo” being probably based on this intriguing structure, will have a part with a dramatic air, when in this part might be the one she’ll cry. Breath deeply, with an emotional charge and talking about the consequences of being canceled: mental problems, the financial ones…focusing more on the mental ones. To keep up with the subject, the storyline will talk about the culture of canceling people, will naturally go to the side that the cancellation does not take anyone anywhere and that if the person made a mistake, it is always valid to point out the error to them and teaching the right way, without attacking or feeling superior above someone.

The BBB’s Participants As Guests In The Documentary?

According to rumors, some of the BBB’s formers have received the proposal to appear in the documentary of Karol Conká. However, the participants are rejecting the proposal to be a part of the project because they do not want to meet Karol, which makes it difficult to record everything. The idea of calling them as guests appears because Karol and everyone that she had a fight with can makeup and she can apologize, just to prove that she has changed and that it is no longer the same person. If everything works according to the plan the first episode of the series will be on air on national television, on the open channel, so everyone can see and have engaged. Some of the ex-colleagues refused the proposal because of having a hard feeling towards Karol and all the atrocities committed by her. They are not prepared for this conversation, and the others that denied it are because they do not want to link their image with Karol’s and be canceled by consequence. Despite all this, it is not public knowledge if they will have any participation or not.

According to very strong rumors, Globo will put in your schedule a program for the participants to make up, talk through their differences during the time of the Reality Show, or just fight with each other. Every participant of the BBB 21 will be on, and this special program will be supposedly 4 days after the final, which Tiago Leifert will be the host and they will use the opportunity for Karol be able to apologize to everyone and to redeem herself on national television, it is still not certain if this true, but there is a chance.

What Do You Expect For This Documentary?


Karol Conká was one person that used to represent diversity, feminism, and minorities. A lot of people used to see her as a role model and an idol, and she was one of the public’s favorites to win the prize at the beginning of the reality show. Nevertheless, when the tv show started, she proved to be a completely different person from what she preached outside the most guarded house in Brazil, she proved to be the opposite of the image the society had of her. When leaving the house and noticing the damage that happened, Karol said that was dominated and blind by pride, but was she really? Or was that the real Karol Conká in there? Who truly is Karol Conká? In the documentary, will it be possible to see who she is behind the mask?

When “A Vida Depois do Tombo” the internet was not really amused and satisfied by the idea, a lot of people was against the idea claiming that a person, like Lucas Penteado for example, deserve so much more a documentary than her, and after all that psychological torture that the singer did with other people, she did not deserve more attention, she deserves some mental illness treatment, saying that they are not going to watch, etc. What about you? Will you watch the documentary “A Vida Depois do Tombo”?

There are several doubts and speculations around “A Vida Depois do Tombo”, but it is known that most people will watch at least parts of it waiting for the pronouncement of the biggest  “villain of BBB 21“. Even if people say they do not care or that they will not watch, this will be everywhere in the media and everyone is going to talk about it, whether they like it or not. But we will only know more on April 29th.


The article above was edited by Lívia Carvalho.

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i have always wanted to me part of the her campus team, because i found the harvard page first before ever having the knowledge about the Casper one só know i am really happy to be part of this !!