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Teaching TV: Meet Professor Julio Cesar Fernandes

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

This week you will get to meet professor Julio Cesar Fernandes, who teaches the subjects of Broadcast Journalism I and Broadcast Journalism II, in the 3rd and 4 th year of the Journalism Course.

1. Complete name and graduation?

I am Julio Cesar Fernandes and I have a B.A. in Social Communication from Universidade Metodista de São Paulo and a Master in Communications with focus on Television. 

2. Why teach at Cásper?

My book called The Televised Memory as a Cultural Product was published and it had a positive repercussion mainly in the academic environment achieved by the work, I began to give lectures and teach some free courses. In the year 2015, I was invited to give a lecture at the Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, which was the institution in which I graduated. The coordinator of the course of Radio, Television and Internet invited me to be part of the teaching staff there.

At the end of the same year of 2015, I received a statement that Cásper LĂ­bero was hiring teachers for a TV Programming class in the Radio and TV course and I decided to enroll. I’ve always wanted to work here. The selection process involves an interview and the preparation and presentation of a class for the institution’s teachers. I passed and started teaching at Cásper in 2016. And at the end of last year, due to some changes in the curriculum and substitutions of teachers, I was invited to teach in the discipline of Broadcast Journalism for the course of Journalism in the institution, which is where I actually work mostly at.

3. What are your expectations for this year?

São as melhores possíveis. Eu estava um pouco apreensivo pois era uma disciplina nova para mim, com novos colegas e nova coordenação, mas eu fui muito bem recebido tanto pelo corpo docente quanto discente. A cada aula conseguimos renovar esse relacionamento professor-aluno, que é bem desafiador para mim.

They are the best possible. I was a little apprehensive as it was a new discipline for me, with new colleagues and new department, but I was very well received by both faculty and students. With each class we can renew this teacher-student relationship, which is very challenging for me.

4. After this first month at work, what were your impressions on the Journalism students?

The work is very rewarding. Together with the Journalism department, I have already been able to organize two magnificent classes, in the morning and night sessions, with the participation of journalists and my work colleagues – Maria Julia Coutinho and CĂ©sar Tralli.

I perceive an engagement of the students in social projects, in feminist groups, for example, that end up impacting on the classes. The general culture training that students receive at Cásper Líbero College means that they have a very rich and unique cultural and social base, which contributes to the human development of the individual.


Graduada em Direito, pós graduada em Marketing de Serviços pela Faap/SP, cursando o primeiro ano de jornalismo na Cásper Libero.
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Alana Claro

Casper Libero '17

Alana is a Senior in Cásper Líbero University, majoring in Journalism. She is President of Casper Libero's Chapter and an intern in a Corporate Communications firm. Born and raised in Sao Paulo, where she speaks Portuguese, although English is her ever-lasting love. Alana is a proud Slytherin and INTJ.