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The best of Alfred Hitchcock: look back at the director’s top 5 films!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Known as the “master of suspense”, Alfred Hitchcock (1899-1980) was a phenomenal film director. The british made history in cinema by changing the way we perceive suspense films. Considered one of the greatest directors of all time, Hitchcock’s legacy remains relevant even after his death in 1980.

With a filmography full of brilliant characters and unexpected endings, it’s hard to choose just one favorite. That’s why, in honor of his memory, we selected our fice favorite films directed by him so you can add to your watchlist and enjoy some classic thrillers!

1. Psycho (1960)

Based on a novel by Robert Bloch, Psycho is terrifying and gives you goosebumps as you watch it. With a classic soundtrack and iconic scenes, the film follows the story of a secretary who is given a task: she needs to deposit $40,000 into her boss’ account.

Despite the instructions to deposit the money and go home, Marion decides to take it with her to help her lover pay off his debts. Then, she runs away, taking her car and driving aimlessly down the road. Suddendly, a storm begins and the lady feels compelled to stop at a very strange place: the Bates Motel.

The reception was warm, and everything seemed fine as the woman meets Norman Bates, the place’s owner who has issues with his mother. Unfortunately, it is there that she meets her final fate, brutally murdered in the shower. Concerned about her sister, who has disappeared without a trace, Lila Crane begins searching for Marion. Thus unfolds one of the greatest suspense stories in cinematic history.

2. Vertigo (1958)

Vertigo is a classic ghost possession story. Based on a novel by Boileau-Narcejac, titled D’entre les morts, this film tells the story of a police officer with a fear of heights who, whenever placed in a high spot, experiences a spinning sensation: vertigo.

When a former colleague dies due to this fear, the police officer, Scottie, decides to retire but is soon alarmed by a request from a friend. Gavin Elster believes his wife is in danger, suspecting she’s possessed by a spirit, and asks Scottie to follow her.

As Scottie follows Madeleine, he observes her buying flowers and visiting the tomb of a woman named Carlotta Valdes, who committed suicide many years ago. Believing that Carlotta might be the one possessing Madeleine’s body, the former policeman begins to dig deeper into the mystery.

3. Rebecca (1940)

Rebecca, the Unforgettable intertwines psychological thriller elements with a love story. Joan Fontaine plays the main character, a very simple woman who remains unnamed throughout the film and who marries a British nobleman.

The wealthy man is haunted by memories of his former wife and is constantly reliving them. When the newlyweds move into an enormous mansion, the young woman begins to uncover surprising details about her husband’s past.

4. Shadow of a Doubt (1943)

Supposedly Hitchcock’s favorite, Shadow of a Doubt is set in a small American town. Although the city appears calm, tension arises when young Charlie Newton becomes suspicious of her uncle.

The truth is that the seemingly sweet relative is a murderer wanted by the police. Filled with paranoia and mystery, the film reveals how he managed to evade justice while committing his crimes.

5. The Birds (1963)

If you’re afraid of crows, this film might not be for you. The Birds is a classic thriller known for its mystery. When a beautiful socialite meets a charming lawyer in a pet shop, she doesn’t hesitate to go on a date with him.

Melanie Daniels falls for the men after their first date and decides to follow him to Bodega Bay, his home. Upon arrival, she notices something unusual: birds attacking people throughout the streets. The real question is: Why are these birds suddenly attacking the locals of Bodega Bay?


The article above was edited by Mariana do Patrocínio. 

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Giovanna Rodrigues

Casper Libero '26

I'm passionate about music, films and literature. I love classic rock music and the iconic popular culture from the late 1960's. Currently studying Journalism at CĂĄsper LĂ­bero.