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The Empress: Everyone Has A Little Of Elisabeth Inside Of Them

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Sisi, or Elisabeth of Wittelsbach, was the Empress of Austria-Hungary, from 1854 to 1898, but she never thought of this possibility. At only 16 years old and with a huge personality, she decided to make things different in court. With her love for horses and people, all her attitudes seemed wrong. Nothing went the way she planned.

Curious to know what we thought of the series, and if it’s worth watching? Continue reading, and you won’t be disappointed!

Before being Empress

Elisabeth was never supposed to be Empress. At first, she went to the palace with her sister, Helene, who was going to marry Franz Joseph I, the Emperor. But when he saw Sisi, it was love at first sight.

Nothing could get between those two. Well, that was what they thought… Feeling betrayed by her sister, Helene stops talking with Elisabeth, leaving the new empress alone with many maids and no one to trust.

Real Life

For the ones who don’t know, Elisabeth of Wittelsbach existed. She was born in 1837 in Munich and had a very informal education. And the fact that she didn’t fit in the court was very real. Because of that, a lot of tension between her and Archduchess Sophie, the mother of Franz, and the previous Empress was created. Unfortunately, her story is not one of the happiest.

After losing her son, in murder-suicide, Elisabeth never recovered. She started to travel alone a lot and withdrew from ceremonial functions. She built a castle in Corfu, a Greek island, where she spent most of her days taking care of her beauty, especially her long hair.

Sadly, she was murdered in 1898, at 61 years old, by an anarchist called Luigi Lucheni.

What We Thought

This new German series on Netflix is winning the hearts of viewers. With glamorous dresses, betrayals, wars, and complicated decisions, this show was nothing like the way we thought it would be.

if you are looking for a classic series of royalty, don’t waste your time. It feels more like the script was written with the present day in mind than 1854.

It’s important to mention that the show isn’t a hundred percent true. A lot of the things that we see are romanticized or created to make this series more interesting.

If after all this you were convinced to watch it, we are happy to let you know that The Empress was renewed for a second season on November 8! More Sisi and Franz for us!



The article above was written by Fernanda Soldateli and edited by Júlia Pupo Mucha Fagá. Liked this type of content? Check out Her Campus Casper Libero for more!

Fernanda Soldateli

Casper Libero '25

Me chamo Fernanda Soldateli e sou estudante de jornalismo da faculdade Casper Libero