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The single era: how are women transforming their singleness into a self-knowledge period?

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Throughout the years, women have been constantly associated with their relationship status as if their entire personality and meaning in this world depends on if they are romantically getting along with someone. 

Therefore, being single used to mean, in society’s point of view, that you are automatically lonely or heartbroken. But what if, somehow, we are now finally being able to change that perspective with a new approach to single lives, by literally choosing to live by ourselves? 

As the decades go by, the feminist movement starts questioning all these patterns around women and relationships, and wonder why we are always so focused on finding a partner to the point of forgetting the life that came before it.  There is indeed plenty of “couple goals” related content on social media if you look for it, but now more than ever, the girls are hyping up this huge movement, mostly on TikTok, for the sake of helping each other to be alone and absolutely fine with it.

Whether you just came out from a relationship or not, the single era represents the way women are showing up for themselves everyday in the little daily attitudes, and how this representation clears other aspects of their lives with the freedom of choosing and owning their individuality. 

More freedom, less stress, the willingness to try new things and the ability to depend on your own happiness. Those were some of my friend´s answers when I asked why they are choosing to remain single. Fortunately, it is becoming more common for women wanting to focus on improving their lives instead of committing to a possible unhealthy situation or relationship.  

However, don´t get us wrong. Most of the girls do look forward to a love story in the future. But we are only gonna find what we look for once we already have built all this love within, and won’t settle for less. To the point we tell ourselves that a relationship is only beneficial if it is better than being alone; and this is only possible if we spend time getting to know who we are. 

By exercising that, we are able to begin a romance with an open mind and knowing that we don’t need to give up our freedom, personality and values as an exchange of love. It is okay to love someone, it is okay to love yourself, and it is definitely okay to love someone while also taking care of yourself.

As Carrie Bradshaw, from Sex and The City, once said: “If being single used to mean that nobody wanted you. Now it means that you´re pretty and you´re taking your time deciding how you want your life to be and who you want to spend it with.” 

So, women are taking their time, and if that means it will take a while for them to commit again, that’s fine. Because they are out there seeking more about themselves, before even committing, while having fun and enjoying the beauty of solitude. 

👯‍♀️ Related: 7 Must-Watch Video Essays For Women In Their 20s

The article above was edited by Camila Lutfi.

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Ana Melo

Casper Libero '27

Aspiring journalist, photographer & writer. <3 From FCL