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There’s still time to avoid voting for climate change deniers

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Discussions about the climate crisis have intensified over the years, but are they really making a difference? Cases of global warming denialism resonate everywhere and only make the planet’s situation worse. 

Events such as the flood in Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), the mud “tsunami” in Japan and the extreme heat wave in Iraq are just some of the countless natural disasters the world is currently facing, mainly as a result of the climate crisis, but also due to governmental negligence on the part of the deniers of these calamities. 

The carelessness of the events listed is a combination of factors that reveal failures in the prevention, preparation and response to these disasters. In the case of the floods in RS (Brazil), the mismanagement of public resources and the environmental degradation of the region were the main factors that led to the tragedy. In Iraq, the government’s failure to adapt to the greenhouse effects and the inefficiency of the health system helped to worsen the situation of the local inhabitants.


A Prefeitura de Porto Alegre não investiu um real sequer em prevenção a enchentes em 2023, segundo dados do Portal da Transparência da cidade. Para o colunista do UOL, José Roberto de Toledo, a atual situação do Rio Grande do Sul não é uma fatalidade, mas sim um reflexo de negligência. “Os governantes, não apenas os gaúchos, estão menosprezando os novos riscos. Tem que agir preventivamente, porque depois que chove, você só vai salvar as pessoas se der”, afirma Toledo. 👉 Leia mais em #UOLNoticias 📷 AFP #UOL #Noticias #ToledoNoUOL #RS #TragediaRS #ResgateRS #AjudaRS #ChuvasRS #RioGrandeDoSul #NoticiasRS

♬ som original – uol – uol
UOL columnist, José Roberto de Toledo, presents facts that prove that the current situation in Rio Grande do Sul is not a fatality, but rather a reflection of negligence.

Furthermore, in the course of so many wars, climate catastrophes are left adrift, as major rulers consider the protection of their own territory to be more important than the aforementioned collapses, which, it should be noted, are totally uncontrolled and unpredictable. It is for this reason that disasters should be given greater prominence, because, the sooner the issue is dealt with, the fewer the consequences.

The fact is, it can no longer be denied that the world is going through a crisis, with more and more disasters happening every year.

In times like these, it’s essential to choose leaders who will act in favor of environmental causes, not just to help nature, but so that the situation doesn’t get exacerbate.

That’s why this year’s 50-plus elections, especially those in the United States and the European Union, have a key role to play against the global crisis. Manon Aubrey (France) and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (United States), for example, are two progressive politicians who have ideals in favor of environmental causes. But, even though the countries have more effective candidate options, they are still favored by the growing far-right, known for being less insistent on climate issues. 

At this critical moment, the best thing to do is to stop voting for environmental deniers and start relying on pro-humanitarian and pro-environmentalist thinking. 


The article above was edited by Rafaella Alcici.

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Ana Laura Ayub

Casper Libero '27

Atualmente cursando o primeiro semestre de Jornalismo na Faculdade Cásper Líbero.