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TikTok Trend: What Does it Mean to be a “Thought Daughter”?

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

 The Origins of the Trend

TikTok trends often take the internet by storm, morphing and evolving in ways that reflect creativity and controversy. One such trend is the concept of the “thought daughter”, which has captured the attention of many on the platform. This term emerged from a provocative, contentious trend that began with street interviews and questionnaire videos.

The initial trend posed a question to random individuals: “Would you rather have a gay son or a thot daughter?” This question was intended to challenge conservative viewpoints, provoking reactions highlighting societal prejudices and stereotypes. The term “thot” is an acronym for “that h– over there,” a derogatory term popularized in the early 2010s, referring to a promiscuous or sexually liberated woman.

Thought Daughter

As TikTok users engaged with this trend, a humorous twist emerged. Content creators began to play on the phonetic similarity between “thot” and “thought,” creating a new character type: the “thought daughter.” This persona diverges entirely from the original, misogynistic meaning and instead embraces a more introspective and intellectual identity.

Videos began surfacing where TikTokers humorously depicted their parents being confused by the original question and instead asking for a “thought daughter.” These videos typically feature niche, intellectual, and artistic interests such as listening to Mitski or Phoetbe Bridgers, reading Normal People by Sally Rooney, or engaging in deep philosophical musings. This reimagining of the term transformed it into a celebration of overthinking and thoughtfulness, creating a space for self-expression and intellectual exploration.

Understanding the “Thought Daughter”

At its core, a “thought daughter” is characterized by her tendency to overthink and deeply analyze her surroundings and experiences. While overthinking is a trait that can affect anyone, the term “thought daughter” specifically emerged as a playful and positive reinterpretation of an otherwise derogatory term. It highlights how social media trends can subvert negative connotations and foster a sense of community around shared experiences and intellectual pursuits.

The shift from “thot” to “thought” is a notable example of how language and meaning can be transformed through collective creativity and humor. By embracing the “thought daughter” identity, TikTok users are rejecting misogynistic labels and instead celebrating thoughtful introspection and artistic engagement.

Broader Implications

This trend sheds light on the power of social media to challenge and redefine cultural narratives. The original question  “Would you rather have a gay son or a thot daughter?” was steeped in harmful stereotypes and implicit biases. By twisting this narrative into something positive and self-affirming, TikTok users have demonstrated a form of resistance against societal pressures to conform to narrow definitions of identity and worth.

In essence, the “thought daughter” trend is a testament to the evolving nature of language and identity in the digital age. It underscores how humor and creativity can be powerful tools for social commentary and change, turning derogatory terms into badges of honor and solidarity. As TikTok continues to be a breeding ground for such innovative and transformative trends, it remains a reflection of the broader cultural shifts towards inclusivity and self-expression.


The article above was edited by Giovanna Rodrigues.

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Rafaela Navarro

Casper Libero '26

estudante de jornalismo, cultura, entretenimento e conhecimentos gerais.