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Today The Class Is On The Streets: What Happened In The Student Protest And Why It Occurred

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Students and teachers united to protest on the streets against the proposal to cut about 30% of federal university funding.

Image Source: Suzana Dezena / In the image: I fight for education, science and technology

May 15th 2019, that was the day that Brazilian students and teachers united in favor of defending education, and exalting its importance for the country. Baptized as “15M”, the student act in SĂŁo Paulo stopped both sides of Paulista Avenue, counting on the presence of students from several federal and private educational institutions, with professors and unions.

The protest took place due to the proposal to cut about 30% of federal university funding. The cut would be in 63 universities and 38 federal institutes, according to the government, would be “only on non-compulsory expenses,” such as: water, electricity bills, outsourced workers, equipment and research. Considering all the universities the cut is of 1.7 Billion reais.

Image Source: Suzana Dezena / In the image: The government is against education because education brings down the government 

Rectors from several federal universities spoke out and reported that cutting the possibility of not being able to keep the doors open was very large, and due to the cut in the research area many master’s and doctoral students had to leave their studies for not being able to afford it.

With universities threatened students and teachers went to the street with the aim of reversing the situation, but one day before the protest many fake news occurred saying that the government had gone back on the decision. Many took that fact as an attempt to stop the protest that was programmed to happen in the next day.

Image Source: Suzana Dezena / In the image: Education is the biggest weapon against regression

On the day of the act, after arriving in Dallas, Texas, Brazil’s current President Jair Bolsonaro said: “Protests that are happening in the country in defense of education resources are made by ‘useful idiots’,’ militants’ and ‘masses of maneuver’”. This speech caused great repercussion and made the strike even stronger.

Image Source: Suzana Dezena / In the image: Leave the screams on the streets and not on the basement

The student act began in front of MASP, SĂŁo Paulo Art Museum, with electrical trios, various political parties and trade unions. Political figures such as Fernando Haddad and Manuela D’Ávila were also present. SĂŁo Paulo’s former mayor, Haddad pronounced himself as being against the acts of the current president. During the act the proposed claims were not exclusively in the area of education, there were also guidelines such as Previdence Reform and the rights of subway workers.

Image Source: Suzana Dezena / In the image: Education generates future

The act occurred peacefully, with people carrying signs and singing as a form of protest. Private universities present there, such as CĂĄsper LĂ­bero and PUC – SP, brought a speech against the cut in education, and protested just like the federal universities.

Image Source: Suzana Dezena / In the image: On Wednesdays we fight for education

In the act there were many posters with phrases against President Jair Bolsonaro, defending science and research. Many teachers were wearing shirts that had the character “Mafalda” in it defending education. The “class on the street” protest will not stop there, more will occur. During the protest a subject that was being widely talked about was the possibility of a general strike if the requests were not met.

Image Source: Suzana Dezena / In the image: Education is our weapon

Suzana Dezena

Casper Libero '22

Me chamo Suzana, tenho 17 anos, sonho em ser jornalista desde os 7 anos, me formarei em 2022, sempre gostei de escrever e pretendo ser repĂłrter investigativa.
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de RelaçÔes PĂșblicas na Faculdade CĂĄsper LĂ­bero que ama animais e falar sobre sĂ©ries.