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Trends that were popularized by “Sex and the City”

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

When the HBO show aired on TV for the first time, in 1998, it was clear that it would be a hit, and so it was. Almost 30 years later, Sex and the City still gives us fashion trends, relationship advice and female friendship goals. If you like or are remotely interested in fashion, the show is a must! So naturally, I couldn’t help but wonder, what are some of the few trends that were popularized by Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda. Let’s get to know a few of them!

Manolo Blahnik

Not necessarily a trend, but after a  highly visible appearance on the show as Carrie’s favorite shoe designer, the  five-hundred-dollar  pair became an instant hit, and Manolo conquered  recognition in the fashion business. To this day, Blahnik is still one of the most  remarkable shoe designers,  and even more so for his iconic blue pair of heels. If it is one of Carrie’s favorite pairs  it must mean something. And trust me, she knows shoes!


Not a wearable trend, but anyone who is considered a fan of the show has at least once drinked a Cosmopolitan because of Carrie and the girls. In a way, the cocktail became known as a playful drink and we are here for it. The sweetness mixed with the pink of the drink just screams Sex and the City, and when you drink it, you will feel just a little bit like one of the girls in a Manhattan bar with your kitten heels on. 

The Fendi Baguette Bag

In 1997, before the baguettes were popularized and became the original it-bag of the early 2000s, Carrie was one of the firsts to rock it. Called “baguette” because it is carried the same way that the French carry their bread, the buzz of the purse was so high that it created a concept not yet known in fashion: the waiting list. The bag remains popular to this day, and was the main reason that Fendi regained popularity. “It’s a Baguette!”, as Carrie kindly reminded the robber who took her purple Fendi purse


Before Sex and the City aired, a tutu seemed like a totally child-like outfit to wear out. The remarkable opening of the show, where Carrie runs around town with a pink tutu, changed people’s opinion on the piece, especially after such an iconic Theme Song. The outfit was heavily copied and made it sociably ok to wear a tutu skirt out without being considered tacky. 

The Name Necklace

Bradshaw’s “Carrie” gold necklace was a piece that stayed with her throughout the whole show, and became a statement  accessory of her character. When you think of Carrie, the image that comes to your head is probably wearing the necklace around her neck. The statement jewelry that carries her name was an insane hit in the 2000s, especially with that same calligraphy, and that is one more proof of Carrie’s impact on fashion. 


A similar thing from the tutus happened to the headband. Before the popularity of the show, headbands were associated with kids. That scenario changed when Charlotte, the Upper East Side queen of a classic and romantic style began to wear it on the show. With York’s class, the headband paired with pearls became the formula to an upper style. And that Charlotte seems to know perfectly. 

Newspaper Dior dress

The 2000s John Galliano for Dior dress that Carrie wore became known as one of the most memorable pieces of the early millennium. Bradshaw rocked the dress more than once on the show what made it one of the most iconic and memorable looks of the series

Sofia Kansbock Bianco

Casper Libero '26

hello there! my name is Sofia and i'm a future journalist who loves fashion, coffee, and good music!