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Twilight Is Back, But Are The Fans Still The Same?

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

The news of a Twilight series adaptation broke the internet. Millennials and Gen Zs lost their minds over this vampire love story that still affects people all over the world. 

This is the new skin of a killer, Bella 

We don’t know yet which streaming platform will release the series or who will be casted as the iconic 2000’s characters, we don’t even know if the adaptation will be based on the books or on Renesmee’s – Bella and Edward’s daughter – trajectory, but we know that there are passionate fans already excited to watch it. 

These fans go from grown up adults born in the 90’s to teenagers born in the 00’s. But so much has changed since 2005 – the year that the first book was published. At that time, people were brutally criticized when admitting that they liked Twilight. 

Throughout the years, this changed, especially in 2021, when Netflix put all of the movies on their platform. With the power of TikTok, old watchers fell back in love with the franchise and new people became interested in it.  

The first movie had an edge and emo grip and was an indie production with a small budget. Many people that were part of the emo community were associated with this movie due to the photography, atmosphere and soundtrack, which included artists like Paramore and Linkin Park. 

Bella Swan was described as “not like other girls”, a narrative that became popular in the beginning of the 21st century. Teenage girls were not used to seeing quirky brunette girls who had no sense of fashion being the main character and love interest of an absolutely handsome and popular boy.  

00’s X 10’s X 20’s 

People in their thirties, twenties and teenage years are the target audience of this saga. But are they the same? 

In the early 2000’s, Twilight fans were absolutely feral, especially over the cast. Everyone had a favorite vampire or werewolf. Still, some of them were ashamed of liking the movies and books. 

Nowadays, there are many more proud fans. Due to memes or even aesthetics – like vampire girlfriend –, people can express their love to Twilight without any shame. In fact, it is considered so boomer to make fun of it.

Team Edward X Team Jacob 

The discussion that made people get into arguments has taken a turn. Now, they fight over Team Alice and even Team Carlisle – such a Gen Z thing to do. 


A modern narrative 

A huge difference from old fans to new ones is the need for more representation in the story. There is a lack of black and LGBTQIA+ characters, something that does not match the time we are living in.

In this new perspective over the storyline, people frequently question Bella’s part. Throughout the first three books narrative, the focus is on her choosing one boy to spend the rest of her life with. She shoved her whole life away because of a boy, when she was only 18 years old. Young girls, nowadays, tend to not think this is normal or right. 

A little treat

The news of this adaptation made everyone go nostalgic and remember simpler days, like their childhood or teenagehood. It is no secret that this franchise changed pop culture and we can still see its influences nowadays. 

To set the mood for this new version of Bella’s and Edward’s love story, enjoy this playlist with all of the songs from every movie.


The article above was edited by Milena Casaca.

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Duda Kabzas

Casper Libero '26

A journalism student who loves sharing stories and knowing people!