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Uber Boat: what’s this new type of transportation emerging around the world?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Have you ever imagined getting around São Paulo through Pinheiros River? Until a few years ago, it was something out of the question for everyone, but recently, the company Uber showed that it was possible. To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the mobility service here in Brazil, that began in the cities of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Uber created a number of actions for this celebration, with Uber Boat being one of them.

From July 26th to August 4th, between the pier of Bruno Covas Park and the Pinheiros River cycleway, this new type of transportation was presented in the city of São Paulo. On a 20 minute journey, which runs around 5 kilometers, people were able to experience how it would be if the city’s rivers were finally usable for the public. Just a quick reservation via the App itself, and anyone could enjoy the experience. 

Although it looks something new, this type of transportation has been emerging all over the world for a while. Paris, Athens, Venice and some other European cities are some of the places that are already using Uber Boat and its variations, such as Uber Cruise and Uber Yacht

These projects around the world are a way for the company to show how much Uber has transformed mobility and, over the years, has been developing new solutions according to the needs of the users from each place of the world. No matter where you live, Uber will find a way to improve the transportation quality based on your place’s arrangements. 

Investing in things like that, even if it is just a temporary action, is a way to open new possibilities for the countries that have the option to use waterways between the city. It is an alternative of fast locomotion, minimizing the main problems that are present at the roads, like accidents and traffic. At the same time, when it is well planned, it is a way to bring sustainability for the towns, generating  benefits not only to some places, but the world.


The article above was edited by Ana Beatriz Aith.

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Maria Eduarda Goulart

Casper Libero '27