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Victoria’s Secret comeback: has inclusivity ruined tradition?

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

After four years, one of the best-known fashion shows in the world is back! The Victoria’s Secrets Fashion Show will take place on September 26th and high expectations were set for this comeback.

The New Era of Victoria’s Secrets

One of the main reasons for the hiatus was the idealization of perfect bodies, an idea that has been deconstructed over the last few years. Furthermore, the cult of extreme thinness that did not accept any diversity or inclusion, made the Angel’s fashion show outdated and gave way to other fashion shows, such as Savage x Fenty, Rihanna‘s lingerie line.


Now, four years after the last show, the brand is once again attracting attention and gaining the spotlight in the fashion world. This break was necessary for the brand to realize that if it does not follow the changes and break old taboos, it will disappear and increasingly lose its popularity among the public and become the target of bad examples and criticism in fashion and society.

The Angels are back

But after all, what is expected from this return? The renewed Victoria’s Secrets aims to follow current trends and respect all body types. The return of the Angels who were present at the fashion show, such as Adriana Lima, Candice Swanepoel, Laís Ribeiro and many more, is highly anticipated. In addition to big names in current fashion, such as Hailey Bieber, Barbara Sprouse, Gigi and Bella Hadid, Kendall Jenner, Alex Cosani and so on.

The Victoria’s Secrets Fashion Show 2023 will be a major turning point for the brand and will renew its image among the public. The show is a milestone in the world of fashion, its return was necessary, the public missed following this true fashionista event. The show is creating a new tradition. With this, the brand  learned a great lesson: it is better to accept changes in the world if you don’t want to be stuck in time.

The article above was edited by Duda Kabzas.
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Gabriela Andrade

Casper Libero '25

journalism student, passionate about photography, music, poetry and to hear and tell stories.