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Want to get into classics? Here are 5 short, but meaningful novels you should read

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Books are capable of showing us the most interesting parts of literature. Stories of romance, sci-fi, horror, and lots of different genres are available for each taste, capable of instigating our curiosity, and stimulating the readers.

Even so, sometimes, these readings are so big and complex that it becomes even more complicated to reconcile the tiredness of the routine with literature. For this reason, here are five examples of classic novels with a small number of pages for you to know. Come and discover! 


Considered one of the biggest works of George Orwell, and hailed as one of the world’s best books, Animal Farm, published in 1945, shows us the story of farm animals that fight for raising an ideal society.

In this way, Orwell introduces us to a rigid satire with 150 pages, which brings the reader to a constant reflection on nature and human freedom, as well as questioning society’s weaknesses. 


Published in 1892, and one of the biggest representatives of feminist classic literature, The Yellow Wallpaper tells, within about 100 pages, the story of a husband who rents a historic farm for the treatment of his disabled wife, searching for a retreat for emotional recovery.

With its literary elements that blend fantasy and delirium, the novella challenges the sexual politics of man-woman established in the 19th century with devastating writing.

3. o alienista by machado de assis

A classic story created in 1882 by the hands of Machado de Assis, renowned writer of Brazilian literary realism, O Alienista (The Alienist) tells the story of a celebrated doctor who, after traveling around Brazil and Europe, settles and opens a mental hospital in a small city in the state of Rio de Janeiro.

The story depicts the revolt of the residents in the town, who face numerous accusations of madness by the doctor. The book has less than 100 pages and brings a critical and riveting reading, as well as a great deal of humor, with the best of classic Machado’s irony.


Published in 1977, somewhat before the passing of Clarice Lispector, a big name of the third generation of brazilian modernism literature, A Hora da Estrela (The Hour of the Star) tells, in less than 100 pages, the story of a writer who recounts the life of Macabéa. Through a lonely and sweet protagonist, the book is, in its purest essence, an epiphanic lesson about death, with an ironic writing about human existence. 


Published in 1953, Fahrenheit 451 presents a world where critical thinking becomes a crime. People are not allowed to express their opinions and, in addition, all books are prohibited. Have you ever thought about how you would live in such circumstances? With less than 200 pages, the book depicts a provocative dystopian future for those who are interested in sci-fi. 

With many classics available in libraries around the world, these are just some of the significant readings for those short on time. It’s worth taking some time to read these novels a bit more, so you should definitely check them out!


The article above was edited by Giulia El Houssami.

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Raissa Galvão

Casper Libero '27

Estudante de jornalismo que ama a arte de se comunicar e escrever ;)