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We love Taylor Swift. But she is not Cool for being a Billionaire 

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

  You have probably seen tons of Taylor Swift ‘s fans cheering her for being a billionaire, but she is not cool for that.

According to Forbes Magazine, in the year of 2023, Swift entered in the list of billionaires with her The Eras  tour, which made her gain $780 millions. Other than that, it is found in other articles that Taylor heated up the economy of the United States and Brazil, with a boom in the tourism industry, but, after all, if Taylor caused so many positive impacts, why wouldn’t she be cool? 

The repercussions of the billionaire blondie

Even though the billionaire brought positive impacts for the American and Brazilian economies, she also generated negative impacts, such as any other billionaire. According to an Oxfam study, 50% of the emissions of the gasses from the greenhouse effect, the equivalent of 5 billion people, were made by the 10% richest people of the world. 

Those facts reinforce the contribution of the billionaires for accelerating carbon burning and social inequality. According to Agência Brasil, all of the 2.153 world’s billionaires accumulate more money than 60% of all the population, which are about 4,6 billion people, numbers that show how much the billionaire’s wealth helps on the manutention of poverty and expose how little they have been helping to combat those problems. 

When billionaires are mentioned, what comes to mind at first are wealth, luxury, ostentatious and fortune, and indeed, they splurge all of those things and Taylor Swift is not an exception. She, just like any other billionaire, has private jets to travel more comfortably and with more privacy. Taylor arrived in Brazil in November of 2023 in a jet that costs $40 million. Which leads to the question of how much greenhouse gas she emitted throughout her tour and how the value of that jet adds to reinforcing inequality in the world. Nevertheless, Taylor still has fans that cheer for the fact that she became a billionaire for her conquests like there is no such a problem, like that is a victory in her career. 

Even though the news of the price of her private jet generated discussions on the internet when she came to Brazil, it was not the only thing that happened during her stay and her six shows – she and the production of the shows, T4F, neglected fans. In the Rio de Janeiro shows there was a lack of structure to deal with the temperature of 42ºC on her first spectacle and with the extremely high prices of water – here you can see the carelessness of the stadium and the show’s organization. Other than that, the entrance with water bottles was prohibited, which caused faintings and the first aid posts of the Nilton Santos Stadium were overcrowded.   

With all of these factors: extreme heat, neglection and lack of water and a good structure ended up in tragedy: the death of Ana Clara Benevides, a 23 years old fan. Her passing made other fans and people revolted against T4F and Taylor Swift –  whom did not spoke seriously about what happened on the day, making fans even angrier and sadder, because all of those happenings showed that the production company, Swift’s team and the singer didn’t care about the fans, but only with profit. Not to mention that Benevides’ family hadn’t had any support of the singer when they were having a hard time transporting her body to Mato Grosso, her home state.   

After the occurrences during Taylor’s show in Brazil, the CEO of T4F spoke up six days afterwards Ana’s death, apologizing to people. Although, an acknowledgment didn’t help the victim’s family neither the fans. 

  Besides the fact that Taylor Swift is a billionaire and what happened during her shows in Brazil, Blondie is still much loved and cheered by her fans, even though she contributes with the greenhouse gas emissions and extreme poverty, Taylor Swift is still number #1 in a Swiftie heart.  


The article above was edited by Isa Mucilo.

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Vitória Venturin

Casper Libero '27

Journalism student at Casper Libero university, lover fashion, movies, culture and communication :)