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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

The world, in the past few years, has faced some changes that no one ever thought that could happen. We learn it every day, on either history books or talking with our family. We girls always hear how awful it was to live in the past, restrained by society and being forced to behave properly. The sexual revolution of 1960 reassured feminism, with new contraceptive methods and spread of information because of communication development. Although we had conquered rights and respect during time, we still face daily difficulties just by being women. Also we have to deal with signs of setback that does not make any sense nowadays, another obstacle among many others laid down for us as usual.

On October 25th, thousands of Brazilian students took Enem, a test to evaluate High School knowledge throughout the country. Surprisingly, the essay theme was about violence against women. Discuss something so silenced and polemic gives a lot of importance to this absurd and unfortunately common action in Brazil. A lot women are injured at home, in so many ways, and do not have the courage to speak up and report the aggressor. Moreover, violence goes far beyond physical injury. Rape, sexual harassment and fear of wearing certain clothes are just as relevant. The essay theme was very celebrated, cause made students reflect about a social question that has to be talked about. However, the religious groups on politics has doomed the essay as dangerous, too liberal. A question on the test quoting Simone de Beauvoir was also criticized, which raised the feminist discussion in the country.

Another point questioned these days is a new law project, created in the House of Representatives, that complicates women to access abortive methods. Brazil is one of the conservative countries where abortion is considered a crime, with a few exceptions. The project also says that rape cases should be proved by medical exams, and any kind of encouragement for women to abort can be punished up to two years in prison. This is a threat to women’s life and freedom. We should be able to decide for ourselves what we want to do with our own bodies. To rise against this project, thousands of feminist groups organized a riot on October 30th, in Paulista Avenue, near Cásper Líbero, and it was breathtaking. Lots of girls holding banners and fighting against patriarchy, from all ages and races, is not only thrilling but also shows that we’re all in this together. We have to realize that we have enough power, voice and autonomy to do what we want, and to face who wants to stop us from this.

It is said that men’s biggest fear in prison is to get raped, what if they knew that’s every women’s biggest fear every day? Even though rape may be a bit more distant from our daily routine, unfortunately sexual harassment isn’t! Girls in Brazil feel scared when the weather gets too hot because that means having to walk on the street and on the subway wearing shorts and skirts, isn’t that normal? Of course it should be, but at least one guy is going to be rude with you and treat you like a piece of meat just because they can see your legs! Sexual harassment is not okay and we should not have to ignore it, that’s why feminism is so important, girls should stand up for their rights to dress up in a comfortable way, just like men, and still be able to be treated properly.

Due to all this problems, young girls and gathering up to discuss these issues and talk about the importance of feminism, gender Equality and women empowerment. There is a Brazilian Facebook group called “share your ppk”, exclusively for girls, with over 15 thousand users, where they talk about these questions and try to come up with solutions for it. Every single one of these women is learning every day that they are not alone and are no longer going to be in silence, they are constantly sharing moments of empowerment, such as talking back to guys who harass them on the streets, something they were scared to do in the past. Not only are these discussions happening online, but also in lots of different places, such as colleges. In our university, Casper Libero, there is a feminist group called “Lisandra”, where the girls are really engaged in the cause and trying to make a difference and spread the information, specially because a lot of young women don’t even know the first thing about feminism, as Leticia Dias, one of the founders of Lisandra, said: “Women should not blame other woman when they reproduce chauvinism. They don’t even know what they are doing. I try to help them realize what a patriarchal society is, even when I know I’ll end up listening to a lot of crap. We have to remember that these girls say things that we all said at some point of our lives, and we’ve changed because of feminism.”

The scenario may seem chaotic, but by sticking together and trying to change the world little by little, girls are taking the power and will surely not stop until the situation is reverted. But that’s not only a women’s fight, every man who sympathizes with the cause and believe women should be able to have legal and safe abortions, walk freely dressing up in whatever way they want to without being harassed and gain as much as men do, should help us and speak up to the world. Feminism does not mean putting women above men, means having the same rights for everyone and this shouldn’t be considered to be insane or a utopia, it should and it will be our reality in the future. #GIRLPOWER  #GENDEREQUALITY


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Camila Junqueira

Casper Libero

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Gabrielle Vianna

Casper Libero

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Bárbara Muniz

Casper Libero

Bárbara Muniz is a Journalism student and Theather lover. Half journalist, half artist, totally feminist. Hufflepuff placed, sagittarian and vegetarian. Cásper Líbero University's Charpter co-correspondent and editor-in-chief. Intern in a Brazilian broadcast channel called BandNews TV, where she works among production for newscast and social media.