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What We Know About ‘Young Royals’ Season 2

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Young & Royals, a Swedish TV Show, produced by Netflix came out in 2021 with its first season, and now we are getting the previous trailers and little sneak peeks of the second season. The new part was announced in September of 2021.

In July of this year, it was also announced that it would come out in November, precisely on the 1st of November 2022, in just two weeks. But before we get to the juicy stuff, let’s recap what happened in the first part.


It all begins when Prince Wilhelm (Edvin Ryding) goes to a posh boarding school named Hillerska, after getting into a scandal at a party. As a prince he has a big homecoming party, where he meets Simon (Omar Rudberg), a non-resident, who has a scholarship, meaning he’s a minority in the school. The connection between the boys is almost immediate, having Willie fascinated by Simon’s voice in a choral presentation. Everything is good, but we’ve got a constant interruption in the development of the boys’ relationship, by Willie’s cousin August (Malte Gårdinger), who doesn’t approve of their friendship.

After a LONG time, they finally get together, and right at the beginning of their acceptance as a couple of August films, a sex film of them, and out of jealousy he releases the video on the internet, and hell breaks loose. With Wilhelm becoming the first in the succession of the throne after his brother passed, he feels the weight of the responsibilities and releases a statement saying that it’s not him in the video, and that leaves Simon to deal with the press alone, feeling rejected by the prince. And that’s where we left, with two broken hearts, who feel like they can love each other.

what comes next?

Now the new tea, all year we had some content in the show, the recording being wrapped by the middle of the year. Back in June Netflix gave us some pics of the backstage, being the first look of the new season. Showing parts of the main cast, and new haircuts, drove the fans crazy.

After months of waiting, last Tuesday, the 18th of October, the trailer was released revealing just a tiny bit of what it’s on for the future. This new season it’s going to show the consequences of the actions of the past. Showing the new responsibilities of the prince with the throne, having to take the place of his passed brother as the new first in succession, as well as having a broken heart.

We can also see in the trailer how August is dealing with guilt, and regret maybe? after releasing the sex tape of Willie and Simon, and breaking the trust of the prince and the royal family. And for Simon the trailer shows a mixture of sadness, broken heart, and self-knowledge and the introduction of a new male catcher, maybe a new love interest.

The new season is promising an emotional roller coaster, having grief, loneliness, despair, regret, new friendships, romantic relationships, and a lot more. Even with the little they delivered the fans are already super excited for this new chapter, and on November 1st we’ll all binge the season in one night and cry, feel all the boys’ feelings.

That’s a wrap! Now you know what happened and what will happen on this incredible show!


The article above was edited by Giullia Cartaxo. 

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Luiza Soares

Casper Libero '25

Been with Her Campus Casper Libero since 2022 and writing what makes my heart skip a beat.