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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Classes are back, homework is already freaking us out and, suddenly, we remember that we are only one week close to the less expected week of the year: finals week.

When our biggest troubles are the books and tests and our focus is all on the studies, how can we think about what to wear? Opening the closet and picking up the first piece you see does not need to be your first option: we can keep the style even with all the pressure is on our head.

Everybody knows that it isn’t easy to remember all the studied subjects and write good answers on an uncomfortable chair for a long time, therefore, the ideal way to face the exam week – in matters of fashion – is to bet on lightweight and comfortable clothes.

Below are some options of outfits, which can inspire us to face the exam week:

1) The combo jeans + T-s

If you own those perfectly comfortable jeans, please, already keep it out of your closet, because you‘re definitely going to use it. From skinny to boyfriend, every girl has a favorite jeans style. The production can get better if you wear a wide T-shirt. Remember: you’re going to spend some time sitting on the chair, and not on your bed.

2) Jogger pants

Stolen from the sports wardrobe, the jogger pants are very charming! We can wear them with flats, sneakers and even a cute flip-flop.

3) Long dress

This is an amazing option for those who don’t like pants very much. The long dress is good for the exam week because it doesn’t mark the body or flash unwanted parts of skin.

4) Sweatshirt 

Finally, the sweatshirt, everybody’s all time favorite. More than being great for not marking the body, the sweatshirt is perfect for colder days and for indefined weather days. Neither cold, neither hot: we can match the sweatshirt with dresses, skirts, shorts and pants. So many possibilities!

5) Leggings

Leggings are not restricted only for the gym, we can also be stylish wearing them daily, including to the university! For exams week, leggings are the best: you can sit the way you want because nothing’s going to block your moves. Comfort is the key!

And… for the days you are studying at home, there is no better choice than: PAJAMAS! 

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Jessica C. Cipriano

Casper Libero '17

A Journalism student in CĂĄsper LĂ­bero, moved to SĂŁo Paulo to try to realize her biggest dream: become a journalist and construct a successful future. She loves all the feminine universe, mostly the fashion, and she could spend, actually, has already spent hours and hours searching and reading everything fashion world has to offer. Coldplay is her favorite music group and Viva la Vida is the song that reminds all the good things about her life. Jessica's biggest love? Family!
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de RelaçÔes PĂșblicas na Faculdade CĂĄsper LĂ­bero que ama animais e falar sobre sĂ©ries.