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World Cup: Get To Know #6 Places To Watch It With Your Friends

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

The 2022 World Cup has already started. That’s why we’ve put together a list of #6 places to watch the World Cup games with your friends.

1. Arena Brasileira: Parque Ibirapuera

The Brazilian Arena will take place at Ibirapuera Park, between November 24th and December 18th, with the presence of more than 20 artists performing shows, such as Anitta, Alok, Gilsons, Luísa Souza, Turma do Pagode, Alexandre Pires, Jão, Racionais and Matuê. The Arena setted up in Ibirapuera Park will have big screens spread over covered areas transmitting the games of Brazil and the main teams of the world, all of this in live. In addition, with options for spaces between the track and the premium area, Arena Brasil intends to bring the experience of a festival to São Paulo during the football championship.Tickets can be purchased through the website Arena Brasileira, where you can find tickets for each day that Brazil plays the World Cup.

2. Pirajá

In the spirit of the World Cup, one of the most traditional bars in São Paulo prepared a generous program to celebrate the games in Brazil. For the cost of R$135 you can consume any item on the menu, and enjoy the games of Brazil on TVs scattered around the house. The bar has prepared some surprises for those who choose to watch the World Cup there:

  • For each goal of the selection, Brahma offers a round of beer on the strip for its customers;
  • For every five draft beer consumed, you get a scratch card that can award you with another draft beer, a snack, a caipirinha or a pack of 20 draft beers!

Did you like it? Tickets can be purchased through the website Curta os Jogos do Brasil no Pirajá!, where you can also find package options if you want to take the crowd to watch the games there.

3. Ginga SP

The Ginga festival, which will take place at Ginásio Ibirapuera, will bring together the largest concentration of Brazilian fans to enjoy the 2022 World Cup games, the project will feature several screens playing the games spread across the gym in addition to a schedule filled with great names in national music, like Mumuzinho, Dilsinho, Sorriso Maroto, Gustavo Mioto, Atitude 67, Menos É Mais, Harmonia do Samba and other surprise attractions to ensure fun after the World Cup games.Tickets are available on the website GINGA SP 22.

4. Petra Belas Artes

How about watching the cup games at the cinema? Yes, that’s what you heard! On November 24th and 28th and December 2nd, the Petra Belas Artes cinema will be broadcasting the games in movie theaters for R$10 a ticket. Tickets can be purchased through the website Jogos da Copa no Belas

5. Rede Eu, Tu Eles Bar, Tatu Bola e Boteco Boa Praça

Three of the hottest bars of the moment, with units spread across the capital of São Paulo, are prepared to provide five hours of open bar service (two hours before the games, during and after one hour of play). With a wide selection of drinks, beers, draft beer, soft drinks and water. Besides that, before and after the games, fans will be able to count on live samba shows to keep the joy and energy up there.

Tickets can be purchased through the website Alife Nino, where you can choose which available unit best fits you.

6. At home, gathering all your friends

Finally, being the most economical and comfortable option, gathering friends at home with lots of cold beer and a barbecue is never a bad option. If you organize who will take the beer, the meat and the vuvuzelas to cheer and scream a lot, everyone spends little and enjoys the World Cup games a lot.

These were the #6 recommendations of places to watch the World Cup in the city of São Paulo.

👯‍♀️ Related: Copa Do Mundo Está Chegando: O Sonho Do Hexa Ainda Vive? 


The article above was edited by Ana Beatriz Aith.

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Julia Tuma de Queiroz

Casper Libero '25

Estudante de jornalismo pela Faculdade Cásper Líbero, amante da literatura clássica e de jardinagem. Além disso ando por todos os cantos e quando convêm escrevo algumas coisas por aí :)