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Yellow September: has this important cause been trivialized by social media? 

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

“I felt nothing. Somedays it was difficult for me to just leave up in the morning. I was unemployed, unsuccessful in my dreams, I was lost, I just kept going every day because of my family. And now I am thankful I am still alive.”  

This is the testimony of a person who went through severe depression and overcame it. A condition that, in the past few years, has been increasing its impact on society. Above 19 million people in Brazil are facing mental health issues according to WHO – World Health Organization – and the country leads the Latin America ranking of anxiety and depression. It seems just like a number, but this is a reality of individuals, probably your neighbor, your work peer or someone in your family.   

September became yellow in 2015 with a purpose: to conscientize people about the importance of suicide prevention. This year’s campaigning has the motto: “If you need, ask for help”. The most used tool to inform the main public about it is the internet. Social media has amplified the voice power to impact people, but at the same time it has created an environment of constant pressure for engagement and acceptance. This duplicity of causes leaves us with a question: is the Yellow September receiving the recognition it needs in the digital era? 

Social media’s impact in Yellow September 

Social media is in both ways – negative and positive – impacting our mental health. We are surrounded by lots of information that helped this subject to be seen as more than a taboo: a necessary topic. However, the platform’s users are in a high exposition that has caused damage to their mental health.  

“This excessive exposition is causing the development of mental disorders, like anxiety and depression. Due to the exposure of an idealized world and the fixation on likes and new followers, people build a silent competition for validation from third parties, worsening their vision of self-image and self-esteem.” – says Psico Estudante‘s creator, an Instagram page created to share knowledge about the psychology area.  

Accounts like that are developing an accessible form to learn more about psychology and assisting people to look for help when it is necessary. The importance of treatment for emotional and mental well-being has been pretty much recognized recently not just among youngsters but by adults, children, and elderly people. The demand for therapy has increased 84% since the beginning of pandemic and the numbers are still getting higher according to Google’s numbers.  

Yellow September campaigning has achieved a strong space in social media. The official Brazilian account has more than 100k followers on Instagram and produces daily contents in multiplatform format partnering CVV – Centro de Valorização da Vida. The more the cause is released, the more people seek help, the more lives are saved. 

However, the competition for views could be threatening the cause’s success. To post a video with the theme and not bring any information or important reflection, just post it because of the engagement can disturb the real reason the campaigning exists. A delicate subject deserves to be treated with all the care and knowledge possible, it is important the message is being passed clearly and correctly.  

“At the same time there are people posting [about the Yellow September] just because everyone is posting about it, there are ones that really care for the cause. September is an important month, but this subject needed to be talked about the entire year.” – continues.  

Even though people are getting more information about this important cause, it is relevant to always check if this information is correct and if the internet is a safe space to share knowledge and feel welcomed by certain communities.  

How to help the Yellow September cause? 

Even if you are not a psychology professional, you can still be part of the cause in lots of ways. First, it is important for as many people as possible to know that if they feel they need help, they can ask for it at any time. By calling 188, you can talk to one of the CVV’s volunteers, who is going to present emotional support and listen to you, it is a safe space for communication, so your conversation will be kept secret. If it is your preference, you can use the chat as well. Sharing this number and NGO’s work to provide emotional support for free and twenty-four hours every day is just an excellent way to help Yellow September.   

Second, create a good environment for talking with your friends and family members. Through calm and comfortable conversations, you both can be more open up about your feelings. If you notice or observe any warning signs in people close to you, it is appropriate to be a good listener. According to DocWay, a site specialized in healthy, these are some signings a person presents when is thinking about suicide:  

  • If the person says things like: “The world would be a better place without me.” Or “No one would miss me if I passed away.”  
  • Gradual changes in humor and behavior, for example, isolation and irritability.  

Even though suicide prevention is not a subject that is often discussed in public places, it should be addressed more appropriately in conversation circles, so that people feel more open to asking for help and saying what worries them. Remember: by helping the Yellow September, you can save a life.  


The article above was edited by Ana Beatriz Aith.

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Carol Malheiro

Casper Libero '26

A curious and creative student of journalism. I'm writing and sharing stories all the time. Simply in love with fashion, books and movies.