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You Know I Love You So: Meet a couple who got engaged in a Coldplay show in Brazil

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

One of the most famous boy bands in the world, Coldplay, came to Brazil after six years since the last time, bringing their famous slogan: “Believe in Love”.

Reproduction: Twitter

They presented in the country from March 10th to 18th, through three cities: Sao Paulo, Curitiba and Rio de Janeiro. Special and super Brazilian attractions shared the stage, such as Seu Jorge, Sandy, Milton Nascimento, and fans had the unique opportunity to sing alongside the singer, Chris Martin.

By the way, many attractions were present off the stage.The audience, that longed for the tour Music of Spheres, also drew attention to the tracks and bleachers.

Proposals for marriage, pregnancy revelations and other various surprises were revealed as the shows took place.

Meet Karis and bruno

Karis Carlan and Bruno Almeida are a couple who got engaged in a Coldplay show at the Morumbi Stadium, SĂŁo Paulo. Entitled to many unexpected situations and a careful interview in the details.

Karis, 27, is a pharmacist, and Bruno, 30, an architect. They met in 2021 through a relationship app, Bumble. At the time, both yearned and searched for the perfect person until they found each other. In instants, they matched and, in one week, were already dating. However, their first date happened only after three weeks of talking. Things went fast, but the way they were supposed to.

After about a year and a half, the desire to marry has increased and the opportunity arose.

Bruno’s Instagram Post

A week before the performance on March 10th of 2023, thanks to a friend, Bruno had the chance to buy two tickets to the Coldplay show in their city. “Restaurants are common, everyone does the same thing. I wanted to do something that would surprise her”, he said. Then came the opportunity of proposing to his love in such a magical place. The preparations had to be rushed because the big day was approaching.

He already had everything very well planned, including a way of stalling her. So, he decided to tell his future bride that, in a week,they would hang out at a special place.

Curious, Karis said she spent the whole week questioning her boyfriend, who remained undefeated to pressure and researching the schedule of all the shows of that week in Sao Paulo, to see if she could predict something, because she imagined it would be something like that.

“I had already commented that it was my dream to go to a Coldplay show”, she explained. But, both of them decided they wouldn’t go to the concert when the purchase of the tickets opened last year, to save the money for a property. “Chill out, one day I’ll still take you on this show”, he comforted her at the time. It then was defined that they were not going, therefore she soon discarded this idea. Little did she know that the decision taken by the two would be revoked. Karis loves the Brazilian music genre pagode and thought that maybe the surprise could be a ticket to watch the band Atitude 67, which she is a big fan of. 

the big day

When the big day finally came, the couple needed to be at the stadium at 8:30 p.m., the opening hours of the official show. “Don’t be late because you’ll regret it” he warned her – and they were late. They didn’t know how to go, but this wasn’t an impediment.

“It is near Morumbi, you know how to go?” said Bruno, then Karis, not guessing what was coming, guided him by subway to the place that, in a few hours, she would be proposed to. The drive to the final destination was a bit turbulent, which delayed their arrival. Bruno began to get nervous, because, in addition to being guarding the surprise for so long, obstacles were appearing along the way.

He had thought of everything and instigated her: “What do you think it is?”, and she replied: “I think it’s a show”. With a lot of insight, Bruno takes two tickets of the band Atitude 67 from his pocket, he had printed fake tickets – which makes the twist even greater. Karis then found herself convinced of the surprise at that moment.

Leaving the subway, there were thousands of people on the street with shirts, caps, glasses of Coldplay songs, singing with all their hearts what would soon become a choir in the midst of a large crowd. “Where are all these people going?” asked Bruno, he was still pretending not to know.

Then, she thought: “Today was the Coldplay show, I really wanted to go!”, but kept quiet, because she was happy with the surprise he had planned for, no matter what. 

His cell phone supposedly runs out of battery and he sends some “contacts” to her, which also supposedly, would be the friends they would meet when they got there. In fact, those contacts were the real tickets to the Coldplay show. When Karis opened her cell phone, she came across what he had wanted all his life: the so dreamed and long-awaited spectacle of their favorite band. At no time came mistrust, precisely because they decided together that they wouldn’t see the show. 

Hurrying, they ran to the stadium, took the bracelets and faced a lot of people to get a spot. They arrived exactly the minute the band went on stage and so the story of March 10th began to be eternalized. 

Reproduction: Instagram | Coldplay

Yelling and jumping, she was literally on cloud nine: “I had never seen her that happy in her life,” he added.


The moment that had certainly been premeditated, rehearsed and thought a thousand times came to light to the sound of one of the classics of the British band, “The Scientist”. Saying “Sweetheart, the other surprise was this”, he took a little box out of his pocket, and a delicate ring appears, shining just like the wristbands at the show.

Reproduction: Twitter | Coldplay

He showed it to her and declared his love with the famous question “Will you marry me?”. A big “yes” came and, certainly, the only sound they wanted to hear at that minute was each other’s voices.

You know i love you so

Love is the most curious and strongest feeling we can feel. It will always remain. Love is the greatest. 

“Everything was perfect, he worked very hard to make me happy and thought of every detail. It exceeded my expectations in every way”, she declared, thrilled. “Her eyes filled with tears and she was very happy,” he said.

I was also at the show and, particularly speaking, it is a conducive place to this kind of situation. Coldplay carries love wherever they go, that is undeniable. 

Believe in love, it will keep us alive.


The article above was edited by Camila Lutfi.

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Gabriela Belchior

Casper Libero '26

Hi! I’m Gabi, journalism student at Casper Libero University. Welcome to the purest essence of me: communication.