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Best Ways to Stay Focused During Midterms

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CAU chapter.

Midterms are by far one of the most stressful times throughout your college experience. Students could go through a time of intense tension when they are taking their midterm exams. The ability to maintain concentration is important for success in the numerous impending tests, projects, and assignments. There are strategies that can enhance your concentration and productivity. Here’s how I stay focused on studying for my midterms.

Create a timetable for your studies

By breaking up your study time into smaller, more manageable portions, you can effectively maintain your concentration on the task at hand. Rather than trying to cram everything into the night before, you should create a study calendar that details the times and days that each subject will be studied. This approach will not only help you finish everything on time, but it will also keep you from feeling overwhelmed. An expert piece of advice would be to arrange the topics in order of difficulty or exam weight. Allocate additional time in your schedule to a subject if it demands more attention.

Locate an area free of distractions

There is a significant correlation between the atmosphere in which you study and your capacity to concentrate. Choose a location that is comfortable so you won’t be distracted from noise and disturbance. Cafes, libraries, or study rooms that have study sections specifically dedicated for that purpose would be the best option for you for a peaceful environment. If you would rather study in the convenience of your own home, make sure that your family and friends are aware that you want time to yourself wherever you are. An additional piece of advice: Put your phone on silent or use an app that’ll help you concentrate.

engage in active learning

Passive reading may cause one to have a mind that is easily redirected. To demonstrate that you are paying attention in class, you can do this by taking notes, rephrasing ideas, or even teaching them to someone else. Try using flashcards, quizzes, or mind maps while you are studying in order to boost your ability to recall information and prevent your mind from becoming bored.

Get plenty of rest & sleep

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Emily Veith

Your midterm exams are approaching, and although staying up late can be tempting for some, It is very necessary to get enough rest to remember the material you have at hand. Sleep deprivation is linked to a drop in concentration as well as your increase in weariness. You want to get around seven to eight hours of sleep to keep your head at ease. You want to remember to give your mind a break throughout the day to stay refreshed.

  1.  Drink plenty of Water and Eat Well

Drink plenty of water & eat well

To maintain your ability to concentrate requires that your brain receive the proper food. You can maintain proper hydration by drinking large amounts of water and eating proteins, vegetables and lots of fruit. Eating food containing sugar or drinking caffeine can lead to crashing out in the future. Try eating dark chocolate, almonds, and seeds to get a boost of energy in a short amount of time. 

  1. Establish Clear Objectives

Every time you sit down to study, you should have a clear objective in mind. It is more beneficial to declare something particular, such as “I will review chapters 3-5 and complete the practice questions,” as opposed to expressing something more generic, such as “I will study biology.” There is a significant reduction in the difficulty of monitoring one’s progress when one has well-defined goals.

Utilize movement

Enhancing cognitive function and sharpening focus are two benefits that come from engaging in physical activity. For your study breaks, you should make an effort to incorporate small intervals of activity such as going for a short walk, practicing yoga, or stretching. It is possible that doing so may help relieve tension, increase blood flow to the brain, and refresh you so that you can devote more time to studying.

These practices can be used in more than midterms as well. As you matriculate through school and enter your career field, your ability to handle the everyday stress of life is extremely important. While these tips may not be effective for everyone, they certainly can help if used properly. These tips can be used in everyday life to get even simple things done. Mix and match these tips as you find fit, alleviate stress, and knock those midterms out!

Hello everyone, My name is Cierra! I'm a senior at Clark Atlanta University specializing in mass media, originally from New Jersey. I'm striving for a career in social media marketing. I have a pet bunny, Storm who I adore. I love watching movies, especially romantic comedies and thrillers.