Looking back on freshman year I can think of some really great times: my first Hump Wednesday, going out with my teammates, winning softball games, and the Honor’s Program retreat. I can also think of some real crappy times: oversleeping for my 8am, procrastinating my homework, and staying in my room at the beginning of the school year because I didn’t think people would like me. Now all of that seems crazy to me and now that I’m in my senior year I’ve seen some trends amongst the freshman both good and bad. So I would like to share my (not complete) list of Do’s and Don’ts for your freshman year in hopes that it helps you have a more successful first year.
DO hangout the promenade and meet new people. This is something I wish I had done because I know tons of people that met because they left their dorms or sat on the promenade between classes. Even if you don’t meet your best friend its still quality people watching.
DON’T skip class or walk at night alone to hang out on the promenade.
DO wear a full shirt to class. Think of college as the grounds to the professional world. You will be using your professors for letters of recommendations, contacts, and other help so the impression that you give off is vital. They don’t expect you to wear a suit everyday but wearing clean clothes that cover any part of your body that wouldn’t be appropriate to show in an office is a good rule of thumb. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with crop tops but save those clothes fro your friends and the weekends.
DON’T worry about always being “on.” It’s true that the promenade is a fashion show but if you woke up late, are feeling tired, or just want to wear something comfy don’t worry about being judged; wearing sweats every so often won’t kill you, just don’t let it become an everyday thing.
DO use your unlimited meal plan. The cafeteria might not have the BEST food but it sure beats going hungry or broke from eating out.
DON’T live off of the pizza and fries. Try eating a salad every so often. The Freshman 15 is real.
DO keep your room clean. Its much easier to stay organized if the space around you is clear. If you can’t even make it to your desk the chances of doing your work greatly decrease. You don’t have your parents here to make you clean anything but if you ever want to have company they’ll appreciate having a place to sit. Remember that cleanliness is next to godliness!
DON’T forget that you have a roommate and both of you need to be considerate of each other. Make sure you talk about how clean you’ll keep your room, switching trash duty, cleaning the bathroom, etc.
DO join clubs and organizations that you’re interested in. This is a great way to build your resume and meet new people.
DON’T put clubs and organizations over your school work and responsibilities. You came to college to get a degree so your school work ALWAYS needs to come first.
DO go out and enjoy yourself. Partying is a right of passage in college and nothing quite compares to an AUC party (see homecoming).
DON’T burn yourself out you have four more years of parties and going out gets much better (and easier) when you reach 21. Its perfectly alright to stay in and have a girls night once in a while.
DO call your family more than the times you need money. They miss you and will appreciate hearing your voice. Plus when you do really need help they’ll be more willing.
DON’T call your parents over every little problem you have, you’re in college and this is the time to learn how to take care of yourself. Welcome to the beginning of adulthood.
DO buy the access code for your class. The price may seem steep but retaking the class is at least 10 times more expensive if you don’t buy it and can’t do any of your work.
DON’T think you can pass the class without the access code. I repeat ALWAYS buy the access code. PERIOD!
DO be open to dating, talking, or making things official with someone. College is a great time to explore your options and find a match because you’ll never be around this many educated black people again. It’s also perfectly fine if you’re just looking for a friends with benefits (NO JUDGEMENT) its totally a part of the college lifestyle. Whatever you decide always be careful and put your health first (aka use protection and get tested).
DON’T let yourself be used by someone who won’t talk to you in public but is always texting you, someone who wants you to only talk to them but can’t put a title on it because they’re “just not ready”, or someone who can’t ask you how your day was but expects you to come over after 11pm and leave before the sun rises. There are plenty of fish in the sea and you deserve one that makes you feel appreciated, cared for and respected even if things aren’t official. Let the jerks go; getting played sucks big time but letting it continue is even worse.