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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CAU chapter.

It’s safe to say that I was in my bag for my first year in college. I surpassed my expectations in every aspect, from my social life to my creation of content in my major. I knew that once the school year ended, I needed to redirect my time to the one thing I loved the most–writing! Overall, I wanted to challenge myself and push my limits so that everything was planned for the upcoming fall semester. After long hours of brainstorming, I decided to do a series over a topic everyone loves–hair.

In my short two years of being natural, I have acquired over sixty hair samples. Some of them include the little packages, while others were full-sized. I made the decision to get rid of all my samples this summer by doing a product review in the name of Her Campus! I had different curling gels, creams, conditioners, and shampoos that I would work with. I planned to go on to explain how I applied them to my overall hair routine along with any differences I seen in my hair.

I started my first hair experiment around May 8th, 2019. While I was anxious to work with the products in my arsenal, HerCampus CAU just wrapped up the Impressions of Beauty Style Party, where full-sized samples were passed around like a newborn baby. The event left me small packages as well, so why not test them out? I specifically remember being intrigued to try edge control. That day I used the whole line for a new wash n’ go. The results ended with curls that were hydrated and defined! I saw no negative effects in my curl pattern. Not only were the products affordable, but they worked. The first experiment was deemed successful. 

By my fourth wash day, which was June 23rd, my hair felt attacked and completely different. I felt myself about to take an L, and just give up on the series overall. My hair was dryer than I’ve ever felt it before. Additionally, the frizz was untamable. However, the products I used produced good results. I felt them completing every task listed on the label.

In fact, my two years of being natural had prepared me for what I call “ingredient expertise.” This is when a naturalista can simply denounce a product just by reading the ingredients list. For example, the natural community hates high concentrations of alcohol in products because of the drying properties. Ingredients like coconut oil, have never worked on my hair, therefore, products with this oil usually do not work properly.

I found myself loving the ingredients, the product as a whole, but not receiving long-lasting results. Here’s why:

My lack of routine and consistent spontaneous experiments was causing my hair to look for nutrients in random places. Just like pets or kids, it is believed that your hair, and body of course, can become conditioned to a certain routine. If you were to feed a dog every day at three o’clock, the dog will be accustomed to being fed at the same time. This same idea occurs with hair. Furthermore, establishing a hair routine ensure a balance. I am the girl who deep conditions every two weeks, therefore, deep conditioning more or less than that would alter the moisture of my hair.

I share all this to say proceed with caution becuase as much as we want to search for those golden hair products, do so carefully. Of course, everyone has different strands so, listen to your hair before you take my word for it. Most importantly, don’t be like me and become bald by choice only, not by force!


Da'Zhane Johnson is a Junior at Clark Atlanta University. She often finds herself eagerly waiting in a Starbucks line, or happily looking for new coffee orders to add to her collection. Her major is Mass Media Arts with a hard concentration in journalism, so in her spare time, she's usually writing. To read more of her articles, check her out on Instagram @bydazh!