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Midterms Are Over, Now What? Here Are Some Ways To Romanticize Recharging

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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CAU chapter.

Midterms are over, now it’s time to recharge.


Midterms can be very crucial and stressful for many college students. Between pulling all-nighters in the library studying, having back-to-back exams, and mostly surviving off caffeine, it is no surprise that by the end of midterm week, you are left feeling drained. Now that all of that is over, this is the perfect time to focus on yourself. Recharging is all about resetting your mind, body, and aura so you can finish the semester strong. Here are some of the best ways to recharge after a stressful exam week.

Start by prioritizing rest. Catch up on sleep, take naps, and allow your body to recover from the exhaustion of studying. Eating nutritious meals and staying hydrated will also help restore your energy levels. Engaging in light physical activity, like yoga or taking a walk outside, can help clear your mind and reduce stress.

Take time to do activities that bring you joy, whether it’s reading a book, watching your favorite show, or hanging out with friends. Practicing self-care, like journaling or meditating, can also help reset your mindset. Most importantly, remind yourself that you worked hard and deserve this time to relax. Recharging properly will prepare you to tackle the rest of the semester with confidence.

Romanticize your self-care routine

You have spent weeks dedicating yourself to your academics; now it’s time to treat yourself. Do a face mask, run a nice bubble bath, or get your nails done. Turn on your favorite playlist, watch your favorite movie or show, or read one of your favorite books. If you enjoy working out as part of your self-care routine, go to your local gym or take a Pilates class. Having a self-care day can help you reset, relax, and find peace within yourself.

Sleep like your GPA depends on it

Let’s be real for a second—midterms probably ruined your sleep schedule, leaving you feeling like you’re running on fumes. Now that all the chaos is over, it’s time to prioritize getting the rest you need. Sleep is essential for your mental and physical health, so getting a good night’s rest is a must. Create a nighttime routine to help you wind down instead of pulling an all-nighter scrolling on TikTok or Instagram. To relax, put your phone on Do Not Disturb, dim the lights, and read one of your favorite books instead of staring at a screen. Try to get at least seven to eight hours of sleep to help reset your mind and body. A good night’s rest will not only improve your mood but also leave you feeling more energized.

Reset your space & Declutter your mind

The room or area you study in probably took the biggest hit during midterms. Don’t be ashamed—we’ve all been there, and it’s perfectly fine. Turn on your favorite cleaning playlist, do a deep clean of your room or apartment, and then light your favorite candle. Cleaning your space can help declutter your mind because tidying up washes away the stress you encountered during the week. A fresh, clean space creates a refreshed mindset. Nothing feels better than being in a clean, stress-free environment.

If you enjoy writing, try incorporating journaling into your reset routine to help clear your mind. I love spending my quiet time meditating because it allows me to release any stress I’m dealing with, especially after midterms, finals, or even major projects. When your mind is clear, you’re better prepared to tackle any challenges that come your way for the rest of the semester.

Reconnect and recharge with your favorite people

If you went missing in action during midterms, now is the perfect time to meet up with your friends. Surrounding yourself with the people you love and care about can be just what you need to change your mood. After spending the week isolating to study and take exams, spending time with friends or family can help bring normalcy back into your routine. Plan a girls’ weekend where you go to your and your friend’s favorite restaurant, spend time watching comfort movies, or even plan a getaway trip where you and your friends or loved one spend time in a different city for the weekend. Or, maybe even schedule time to talk or send a thoughtful message to your favorite people. As a college student, sometimes all you need is deep conversations, laughter, and community to remind you that you’re not alone and that you have people to lean on during stressful times.

Nourish your body, not just with caffeine

As a college student, it is very easy to live off multiple cups of caffeine, snacks, and noodles, but our body needs foods with nutrients to help fuel us. After a week of skipping meals and stress eating, we must be intentional about what we are putting into our bodies because that affects how we perform academically. First, start by drinking plenty of water or drinks with electrolytes, especially if you have solely been drinking a ton of caffeine to help you get through your exams. Also, make sure that you are cooking meals with protein and vegetables. By substituting a Red Bull for a smoothie or adding vegetables to your plate, you will start to see a major difference in your mood and energy level. Food is fuel, and giving your body the nutrients that it needs will surely help you feel more focused, refreshed, and ready to take on the rest of the semester.

You survived one of the most stressful weeks of a college student’s life, and that’s something to be extremely proud of! Whether you decide to have a self-care day pampering yourself, hanging out with friends, or resetting and decluttering your space, take the time to recharge in whatever way feels best for you. I believe in you. You’ve got this, girl. Now it’s time for you to go romanticize your recharge!

My name is Alleyah Turner, and I am currently a junior at Clark Atlanta University, where I'm pursuing a degree in Fashion Merchandising. I have always had a passion for fashion, and I knew from a young age that this was something I wanted to pursue a career in the fashion industry. I am motivated to be an amazing scholar with a high GPA of 3.63 I love fashion and wardrobe styling and learning about new trends. I enjoy shopping and having creative control, sourcing outfits in my free time. What I love most about fashion is that you have creative control art that resonates with you. Alongside my interest in fashion, I enjoy creating content on TikTok and learning about new social media trends or marketing. My passion for fashion and dedication to academic excellence drives me to pursue a successful career in the fashion industry. I am excited about continuing to learn and grow, and I look forward to building meaningful connections with fellow HerCampus members. I look forward to the opportunities that lie ahead and am excited to see where creative expression can lead me.