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Multi-passionate – Balancing Multiple Interests

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CAU chapter.

Being multi-passionate means that it’s hard to pick one lane and stick to it. You’re probably always finding new that you’re interested in and want to explore, but there are a lot of other things that you committed to. Don’t worry, you don’t have to sacrifice one thing for another! This article is going to help you with keeping all of your passions without having to drop any of them. 

Keep a record of your ideas

Having multiple passions could include having a lot of ideas coming through at random times. Sometimes, you’re not able to act on the idea right away or have some sort of method of keeping track of them. This could be in a journal, through voice recordings, etc. This allows you to revisit your ideas when you’re ready, which helps you prioritize which passions to explore next. It also reduces the pressure to act on everything all at once, giving you a clearer sense of direction.

Exploring the passions 

Now that you have your ideas written out, you can start doing research and making a plan for them. You could develop your skills in each one and master them one at a time. If you decide to explore multiple passions simultaneously, create a schedule that allows you to balance them. This approach prevents burnout while ensuring that you make progress in all of your interests. The key is not spreading yourself too thin, dedicate specific time blocks to each passion, and stay mindful of your energy levels.

Whether to monetize or keep it as a hobby

Not every passion needs to become a source of income, and that’s perfectly okay. Some interests are meant to remain hobbies and activities you enjoy for the sake of joy, relaxation, and personal fulfillment. Trying to monetize everything can take the fun out of it and add unnecessary pressure. If you do decide to monetize a passion, ask yourself a few questions: Do I love this enough to invest significant time and effort into it? Will turning this into a job diminish my enjoyment of it? Is there a market for it? The answer to these questions will help you figure out if this is just a thing to do in your past time, or something that you could see yourself making money off of and still enjoying it. 


While pursuing multiple passions can be incredibly fulfilling, it’s also important to consider the financial aspect. You’ll have to take into account the supplies, or classes if you decide to take them, your projects could require. Some ways you could earn some funding for them is having a side hustle (which could be one of your passions), budgeting your regular income, and/or if you decide to turn it into a business, there are some grants out there that’ll help you out. Remember, investing in your passions doesn’t have to break the bank, and there are many creative ways to fund your pursuits without straining your finances.

Don’t feel guilty 

A common struggle for multi-passionate individuals is feeling guilty about not sticking with one thing or deciding that a passion isn’t for them. If you try something and realize it doesn’t resonate with you, it’s perfectly fine to move on. The idea that you have to finish everything you start is a misconception—there’s no shame in changing your mind. Similarly, don’t feel guilty about not following a straight path. In a world full of diverse opportunities, it’s natural to be drawn to many different things. Permit yourself to explore what excites you without worrying about fitting into a specific mold.

Being multi-passionate is a beautiful thing to embrace. It’s important to go about each interest without stretching yourself too thin and making sure what you’re doing is fulfilling to you. 

A’Naya McDonald Clark Atlanta University Fashion Merchandising major Class of ‘25