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Peter, Piper, Picka, Pan.. Dan is No Longer The Man!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CAU chapter.

I guess all good things DO come to an end. That’s what I’ve learned after Dan Rue, infamously known for his hilarious viral videos with Nick Pattiwack of him dancing around and stealing whatever he comes in contacts with, was caught on video in the midst of a heated argument with the person recording about his casual use of the term “nigga”. For those of you who may not know, Dan Rue is indeed white. He’s often mistakenly deemed to be a light-skin Black man but regardless of that misconception and all of the black people he’s seen hanging out with, it gives him no pass. HE IS WHITE. 

When the recorder, famous Viner known as McAshHole, called Dan out on his use of the N-word, Dan replied with, “So?” Dan then insisted that Ash say “cracker” and once he said it, Dan carelessly said “nigga” twice. He then argued, “I was on The 85 South Show and got millions of views– said ‘nigga’ all over it.”  It’s as bad as it sounds. You can check out the video here. 

Dan is not the only one at fault here. Due to his unapologetic nature towards the subject, it’s clear that he’s probably never been checked on his use of the term. During the 59 second video, Nick Pattiwack, nor anyone else intervened in an effort to make Dan understand why he shouldn’t feel so free to use the word. The video ended rather suddenly so we have no clue what happened next, but I truly hope that more people stepped in to clear out the air and get Dan Rue down from the clouds he’s so clearly floating in. 

It doesn’t matter how much someone of non-color does for us, entertains us, or who they hang out with. Do not pretend to be colorblind regardless of your relationship with anyone of non-color who uses the term. The more we let them pass, the more we’ll hear it from them and who knows? We may end up right back where we were all those years ago. 

My name is Lexi ZĂ hra. I'm a 22 year old senior at the esteemed Clark Atlanta University where I major in Mass Media Arts with a concentration in radio, television, & film. My interests are in all things art, most importantly music, poetry, and literature. It's an honor to write for Her Campus CAU and I hope you enjoy my content.