Having the best college experience is achievable but it isn’t easy as you first must master the art of balancing. As a college freshman, I have heard the quote “college isn’t like high school” a million times, but listen up when people say it as if they’re being completely truthful. It’s harder in college so more effort will be needed if you want to succeed.
Balancing your academic and social life is not only the key to being the successful college student you aim to be, but it’s also important for your mental health. It will only better you in the long run so let’s break down how to thrive academically and socially in college.
Building relationships is the perfect way to have a healthy support system. Having friends in college will make your experience ten times better. As an introvert, I know that it sounds scary but as a reminder, everyone is in the same boat as you. So, don’t be afraid to put yourself out. You can even start small by talking to the person beside you in class. However, to build friendships, you have to be intentional, so start going to campus events, chatting at organizations, or even using social media. We live in the 21st century, and Instagram is the ultimate networking app. You never know, a lot of these friendships might last far beyond graduation.Â
Additionally, healthy relationships come in all forms, so I encourage you to start building healthy relationships with your professors, advisors, and mentors. I know it might sound crazy or awkward for some but building a rapport with them can help you in the long run. They can offer good advice, help with difficult circumstances, and even create a recommendation letter for you. So, start by just introducing yourself, stopping by their office hours, or engaging in a quick conversation.
Lastly, if you ever feel alone, remember it’s always okay to seek help. Almost every campus offers some form of counseling service. These people are here to help you so you can succeed, so don’t be afraid to utilize them.
You can’t complain about how boring college life is if all you do is just stay in your dorm. College is supposed to be a blast so go out and experience it.Â
Along many campuses are numerous college student organizations that range from cultural, academic, sports, media, political, community service, Greek life, and so much more. Additionally, there are leadership opportunities such as student government, resident advisors, orientation leaders, royal court, or campus jobs. So, go out and find a few that line up with your passions and values and start participating. It could even lead to a good networking opportunity.
Apart from these, pay attention to things that happen on campus such as events where you can go out and show your school pride or workshops where you can educate and elevate yourself. These organizations, opportunities, and events are supposed to serve as a break from the demanding academic stress that college can bring. So, use them to your benefit.Â
Now, we can’t forget that you came to college to get that degree. So, all semester we’re aiming for that 4.0. However, this requires an effective study plan. Now, everyone has different learning styles ranging from visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic. Here’s a quick overview of each.
- Visual – These learners retain information the best when it’s presented through graphics. Think about YouTube videos or charts.Â
- Auditory – These learners retain information the best when it’s presented vocally. Think about repetition or group discussions.
- Reading/Writing – These learners retain information the best when it’s presented through text resources. Think about flashcards or worksheets.
- Kinesthetic – These learners retain their information the best when it’s presented through hands-on activities. Think about lab presentations or experiments.
This is your job to find out which works best for you and when you do, it’s time to make the study routine. This looks different for everyone whether it’s reading for thirty minutes each day or sacrificing the weekend to spend time in the library. Whatever it is, just make sure it’s personalized for you.
Additionally, start implementing good strategies such as buying a planner, downloading homework reminder apps, prioritizing deadlines, and checking Canvas and your email daily.Â
Lastly, take time for yourself. College can be such a hectic experience so to avoid burnout, learn to practice the importance of self-care. Activities such as meditation, yoga, going on walks, journaling or just spending time with your friends have been scientifically proven to help reduce stress and boost dopamine.
Your physical health can affect your mental health as well so make sure you are taking care of your body by avoiding all-nighters, eating three healthy meals, and performing regular physical activity. An article by Yale Medicine breaks down all the signs of stress that you should be looking for such as aches and pains, insomnia or weakness, less socialization, and unfocused thinking. If you feel that you are regularly experiencing these symptoms, it’s time to step away and recharge. Your health matters so treat it as such.
Balance is a journey and it will take time to learn what works for you so don’t expect perfection overnight. However, with a strong support system, active participation in campus events, an effective study plan, and regular mental health breaks, you’re on the path to having the best college experience.Â