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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CAU chapter.

2020 has officially been recorded as one of the hottest years to date. According to NASA, 2020 is tied with 2016 as the hottest year ever recorded on earth. As shocking as this news may sound, this gradual warming has been happening for a while now. As greenhouse gasses are released into the air, the planet becomes warmer. Most of these gasses come from various means of transportation, electricity, and agriculture. All of this means that human beings are indeed the prime contributors to global warming. 

For most of our lives, we have been taught the importance of recycling, yet many remain clueless regarding what to do next. Here are three ways that you can contribute to slowing down global warming:

Ditch your car

Now let’s be honest here, it would not be ideal to eliminate your car. Let’s face it, we all have places to be and people to see. But this doesn’t mean that we can’t cut back on our car usage from time to time. Instead of driving, try an alternative like walking or biking if your destination is close. Try carpooling with a buddy or taking the bus if your destination is far away.

Unplug your phone

I know that it has become habitual for some of us to let our phones charge overnight, but 27 percent of greenhouse gas emissions come directly from electricity. This means that our unnecessary charging is contributing to the warming of our planet. It may seem small in the grand scheme of things, but we can certainly reduce our carbon footprint just by simply limiting our charge time. Instead of charging overnight, charge your phone before you go to bed. Also, unplug any other household electronics that are not in use. 

Change your diet

This one may seem odd, but eating meat contributes to global warming. 14.5 percent of greenhouse gasses are emitted solely from livestock farming. If we changed our diets, livestock companies would have no choice but to cut back on meat production. This doesn’t mean that you have to go vegan, but limiting your meat consumption would help tons. If you’re a heavy meat eater and this option makes you hesitant, try the Mediterranean diet! It’s a plant-based diet that includes fish, poultry, eggs, beans and a limited amount of red meat.

Brittany Robinson is a sophomore majoring in Mass Media Arts at Clark Atlanta University. She was born in Saginaw, Michigan, and has a deep love for writing in many facets. Not only is she a blogger, but she is also a singer/songwriter. She has had the opportunity to perform at many music festivals and has opened up for many musical artists. In her spare time she loves recording music and listening to her favorite 90s R&B artists. You can follow her on Instagram @Taneenofficial.