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Don’t want to be ill this summer? Here are our tips to staying healthy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CCCU chapter.

Whether it’s a summer cold, dry skin or dehydration – it’s not fun when you’re trying to enjoy the sun. So, here’s what we recommend for a healthy summer:


Drink plenty of water – seems pretty obvious, but often when we are out drinking at a party, we forget to hydrate. 1 pint of beer = 1 pint of water. It’s also a great way to avoid the impending doom of a hangover! Water is also important when you’re out in the sun all day – it will stop those mysterious headaches.


Don’t forget to take a jacket – It’s easy to prevent a summer cold: don’t forget your jacket. It may have been nice and sunny when you left the dorm, but now it’s 1 AM and it’s cold. Being out in cold weather is the surest way to land yourself a cold, so remember to pick up a cardigan or a light leather jacket on the way out of your front door. Plus, jackets are a great way to accessorize any summer outfit!

Remember your sun cream – Not using sun cream is asking for trouble: you can get sun burn, dehydration, headaches, and a higher risk of developing skin cancer.

When you get sun burn, your skin will peel and we all know how unpleasant that is. So, especially is you are blessed with pale skin: remember your sun cream! Most sun creams these days are great for keeping moisturised as well as protecting you from the sun, and there are so many different choices, so even if you have allergies, there is a sun cream out there for you!

Dress appropriately: We don’t mean for the occasion – we mean the weather. If you’re out in the sun and you’re wearing a jumper: you’re going to end up with heat stroke. This is a great excuse to start building up your summer wardrobe, and make sure you have lots of thin materials: summer dresses, linen trousers, etc.


So, whether you’re in the UK, US or the rest of the world: stay healthy this summer! Have you got some tips for staying healthy this summer? Tweet us @HerCampusCCCU

I'm a 20 year old self-published author who blogs a lot and drinks far too much tea! Melissa Holden's Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/MelissaHoldenWriter Melissa Holden's Amazon Page: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Melissa-Holden/e/B00GSL71SE/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1416236950&sr=8-1