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Five Signs He’s Just Not That Into You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CCCU chapter.
We all know the feeling of being out with someone you really like, but the vibe just isn’t there. But sometimes we need to look at the obvious and realise that he’s just not that into you. 
1. Mr. Mobile
If he spends more time tweeting about the football than he does looking at you – then he’s a no go! You want a guy that is actually going to listen to you. So walk away and see how long it takes for him to notice he’s alone. Maybe he just needs to know that you won’t put up with his phone obsession to realise you’re the girl for him. 
2. Bar Boy
If he’s always making excuses to go to the bar – you can bet it’s because the girl behind it is cute. You don’t need to put up with a guy that finds every reason to leave the table, don’t waste your time. 
3. The Serial Dater
Is he dating someone else? Well he shouldn’t be. You’re only dating him so why does he get to hook up with other girls. If he can maintain several relationships then he obviously doesn’t like you enough to ditch them. Leave him before it gets complicated. 
4. Over The Shoulder Gaze
The game is on the TV behind your head, and he’s watching it instead of talking to you? Give up now because he just isn’t listening. You want a man that puts his priorities in order and would rather talk to the beautiful girl sat in front of him instead of keeping a close eye on the score. 
5. Excuses Excuses
He’s always got an excuse for missing your dates. “My aunt was ill”, “a friend came for a visit”, “I had to help my brother move house”. Girls, if he’s always got a trick up his sleeve then don’t bother. Because soon you’ll never see him, it’ll transform into phone dating and the next thing you know he’s seeing someone else and they’re posting pictures all over Facebook. 
Ladies, save yourselves the hassle of the boys who just aren’t that into you and wait for a man who knows when he’s got a good thing going on. He’ll turn up eventually!
Have you got any tips or tricks for picking out the serial-daters or the bored-boys? Let us know in the comments or Tweet us @HerCampusCCCU 
I'm a 20 year old self-published author who blogs a lot and drinks far too much tea! Melissa Holden's Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/MelissaHoldenWriter Melissa Holden's Amazon Page: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Melissa-Holden/e/B00GSL71SE/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1416236950&sr=8-1