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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapel Hill chapter.

I love romance movies as much as the next person, especially around Valentine’s Day! However, popular romance films aren’t all that diverse and tend to trend toward heterosexual relationships.

Here are four LGBTQ+ romance movies for you to enjoy this Valentine’s Day!

The Way He Looks (2014)

The Way He Looks (2014) is a Brazilian film that won the Teddy Award for the best LGBTQ-themed feature. It follows the life of Leo, a blind high school student, when he meets Gabriel, a new student at his school.

Blue is the Warmest Color (2013)

You’ve probably heard of this one before, but I’m going to recommend it, once again. Blue is the Warmest Color (2013) is a staple film in the queer community for a reason. It follows the relationship between Adèle and Emma, an edgy older student with striking blue hair (hence the title of the film). The movie follows their relationship from the time they’re in high school to when they’re each in their respective careers.

Carol (2015)

Carol (2015) is set in New York during the 1950s. The movie features a romance between Carol, an older woman stuck in a broken marriage, and Therese, an aspiring young photographer. If that’s not enough to convince you to watch the movie, the film stars both Cate Blanchett (as Carol) and Sarah Paulson.

Laurence Anyways (2012)

Laurence Anyways (2012) follows the life of a transgender woman, Laurence, as she navigates her transition as well as her love life. I won’t say much more about this movie to avoid spoiling parts of the plot. However, I will say that the cinematography of this film is amazing, and it’s an absolute must-watch.

Not only are these four movies wonderful films, but they’ll also add some diversity to your romance movie binge this Valentine’s Day. Feel free to let us know what you think of these films on our social media. Find us on Instagram and Twitter @hercampusch or on Facebook as Her Campus at Chapel Hill. 

Madison Prentice

Chapel Hill '23

Madison is a first-year from Cary, North Carolina. She's an Advertising & Public Relations major with a minor in Spanish for Business. You can find her on Instagram at @mcprentice or on Twitter at @mcprentice8.