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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapel Hill chapter.

Name: Ian McLin

Year: Senior

Hometown: Columbia, Maryland

Major: Political Science and Peace, War and Defense

Involvements on campus: Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, The Hill Political Review

Relationship status: Taken (sorry ladies)

Favorite food: Pizza

Favorite book: Killer Angels by Michael Shaara

Fun fact: I’m allergic to apples and bananas

Favorite spot on campus: Dean Dome

Favorite quote/motto: “Tie your shoe.” It’s a reminder that whenever you’re in a stressful situation to take a step back, relax and refocus.


What are your plans for after graduation?

I plan on going to law school. I’ve been accepted to a number of schools and plan to study either International or Corporate Law. If that doesn’t work out, I plan on declaring for the NBA draft.

If you had all day to do whatever you wanted, what would you do?

Watch Sports Center for a few hours, eat pizza from Artichoke and Basil and watch Carolina basketball.

Do you have any phobias or fears?  

I hate heights and flying.

What are the most attractive qualities a girl can have?

Humor. There’s nothing better than a girl who can make me laugh.

What are your biggest turn-offs in a girl?

A dislike of sports. I’m a huge sports fan and like a girl that shares those interests. Better not be a Yankees or a Duke fan, though.

Who do you admire more than anyone?

My dad. He’s a very family oriented person who will do anything for his kids. I hope to be the same type of father someday.

What’s your favorite memory from your time at UNC?

Walking out of the Dean Dome and into a snowstorm after beating Kentucky my freshman year. Everyone was excited from the win and the oddity of snow in Chapel Hill made the day even better.

What will you miss most about UNC?

I’ll miss tailgating for football games, basketball games in the Dean Dome, spending time with friends on Franklin Street and the feeling you get when you hand in your last final.

Megan McCluskey is a recent graduate from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a B.A. with Distinction in Journalism and Mass Communication, and a second major in French. She has experience as a Campus Correspondent and Contributing Writer for Her Campus, a Public Relations Consultant for The V Foundation, an Editorial Assistant for TV Guide Magazine and Carolina Woman magazine, a Researcher for MTV, and a Reporter and Webmaster for the Daily Tar Heel. She is an obsessive New England Patriots and Carolina basketball fan, and loves spending time with her friends and family (including her dogs), going to the beach, traveling, reading, online shopping and eating bad Mexican food.