Watch out girls! We have a new Campus Cutie who is a fresh face on campus. Kevin Li is a freshman from Cary, NC and is enjoying his first year at UNC. Planning to major in Computer Science and Business, Kevin is a well-rounded guy with big ambitions.
Name: Kevin Li
Hometown: Cary
Year: 2017
Major: Computer Science and Business
Favorite YoPo Flavor: Mango
Favorite Study Spot: I like to study in my room.
Fun Fact: I was born on Ground Hog’s day.
Motto: It’s not about the grades you make but the hands you shake.
Favorite Place to Travel: Australia
Relationship Status: Single
Favorite Food: Noodles
Biggest Turn-Offs: Arrogance, Body Odor
Favorite Super Hero: Iron Man
Celebrity Crush: Jessica Alba
Hobbies/Interests: Eating food, hockey, basketball
Favorite Thing about UNC: The basketball culture
Plans after Carolina: Make stacks and become a millionaire.
Biggest inspiration: My mom.
Most Admirable Quality: Athleticism